Student Research


Every year students of Turība University carry out research in various fields. We offer to get acquainted with the topics of the highest-evaluated research works.

STUDY YEAR 2023/2024

Aleksandrs Popovs 



Mārtiņš Vingris

Victoria Tsoy

Daria Zaharov

Sitora Khamrakulova

Katrīna Ločmele

Maira Kalniņa

Elīna Feldmane

Gustavs Sīlis-Jaunsīlis

Katarina Čaika

Undīne Vojevodova

Karlīna Kļaviņa

Baiba Leonora Balode

Jolanta Probuka

Sigita Liepa

Ieva Lukaža

Gvido Sirmais

Nikоla Kоvaļevska, Marta Fоgele

Līga Dambe

Vladislavs Meļihovs

Elīza Anna Dubure

Nadīna Kokoreviča

Daina Škuškovnika, Anita Zvingule 

STUDY YEAR 2020/2021


Eduards Šinkūns 
Theme: Analysis of aspects of the threat to hybrid war and electronic warfare and their impact on operations of National Armed Forces (NAF)
Supervisor: Nikolajs Ozoliņš

Prepare proposals to reduce the impact of hybrid warfare and electronic warfare on National Armed Forces (NAF) military operations by analyzing the concept and components of electronic and hybrid warfare, by evaluating and analyzing the factors of electronic and hybrid warfare and their potential impacts on the implementation of military operations, by offering topic-related supplements in procedures and military tactical publications. As part of his daily safety work, the author identifies the problem that hybrid and electronic warfare have much less attention than physical security, information and personnel security, but it is the hazards of hybrid and electronic warfare that can have a greater impact on the implementation of NAF military operations. NAF requires new security reform by implementing of a new security awareness and education policy, involving the organization of training related to the threat of electronic warfare and hybrid warfare in all NAF military formations, as well as the involvement of competent persons in the training of soldiers, in order to improve the effectiveness of NAF future military operations by promoting better comprehensive approach between military and other state security agencies and to improve cooperation with civilians.

Raitis Briņecs
Theme: Regulatory and institutional environment of waste management in Latvia
Supervisor: Nikolajs Ozoliņš

As part of the work, the institutional framework for the management of Latvian State waste is being examined and the related issues in both the regulatory framework and in practice. It is assessed whether the waste management system is sustainable and does not require adjustments. 
The aim of the work is to prepare proposals to improve the regulatory and institutional environment for waste management in line with sustainable development.

Žanete Priede
Ttheme: Preservation of Suiti Intangible Cultural Heritage
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

Taking into account that in 2009 the Suiti cultural space was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, which must ensure immediate preservation, list and taking into account the forthcoming reform of the Administrative Territorial Regions, dividing the Suiti region into Kuldīga and Ventspils counties, but not leaving the Suiti to their self-determination, at least in the same way as before, the need for Suiti district autonomy was investigated. The work studied the origin of the historical region of Suiti, the significance of the intangible cultural heritage today and the protection of cultural heritage in Latvia. And also the opinions of the inhabitants of the ancient Suiti region about the division of the region. Some consider that the Suiti region should be separate, which will help strengthen the cultural heritage. Others, on the other hand, see the benefit of including the region in a larger region, as it will promote the development of Suiti culture. 
Aim of the Work is to provide proposals for additional measures that can be taken by the population and the municipality to preserve the intangible cultural heritage of the Suiti for future generations.

Andris Bērziņš 
Theme: Protection of personnel in the National Armed Forces
Supervisor: Kaspars Indrēvics

Aim of the work is to provide proposals for the improvement of the organization's internal and external regulatory enactments in the field of personnel protection.
The first chapter deals with the structure, capabilities and tasks of the National Armed Forces. The second part of the qualification paper examines the service environment, risks and hazards
that arise when personnel operate in these environments. In the third chapter, the author studies the concept of defense of military forces, but in the end compares it with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia. The conclusions and proposals highlight the most important shortcomings in regulatory enactments and personnel training, as well as make proposals aimed at improving the situation related to the protection of personnel in the National Armed Forces.

Romāns Mihaļevičs  
Theme: Processing of personal data at SJSC "International Airport "Riga""
Supervisor: Ivo Krievs

The aim of the research is to study the implementation of personal data processing in SJSC "International Airport "Riga"", to identify problems and provide proposals for solving problems. The main results of the research are the compliance of Riga Airport documentation with the General Data Protection Regulation, as well as the awareness of Riga Airport employees about data protection requirements and whether the employees are knowledgeable and able to comply with its requirements on a daily basis. The main problems that the airport management needs to improve were identified in order to make the staff as competent as possible and to be able to avoid data breaches.

Arvis Mucenieks
Theme: The Observance Of The Ethical Norms Of A Soldier Outside The Performance Of Official Duties
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The purpose of the qualification work is to study and analyze the observance of ethical norms of soldiers outside the performance of official duties in order to determine whether the soldier's behavior outside working hours is determined and influenced by his profession, as well as to make suggestions and share opinions on observance or non-observance of ethical principles. In order to reach the goal and tasks of the work, an empirical method was used, which is based on facts obtained objectively by observing and researching the main research object - a soldier. The facts will be obtained through document analysis, surveying of soldiers and members of the public and observation on social media.

Artūrs Strēlnieks
Theme: Necessity of extended first aid knowledge for NAF soldiers 
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

An accident always happens unexpectedly. This can happen not only in special circumstances, but also on a daily basis - at home, at school or on the road. Each of us must be able to provide first aid, and everyone may have a time when first aid is needed. 
Soldiers are trained in first aid and the training is more serious than it is in the field of first aid in the civilian environment, however, it must be admitted that in practice it is rarely applied to soldiers, because it is not possible to supplement the acquired knowledge. At a time when there is a shortage of medical personnel in Latvia, specially trained NAF soldiers, taking as an example the practice of neighboring countries, could be an alternative in providing first aid, when it may not be as operative on the part of the SEMS. 
Aim of the work To provide proposals for the improvement of the knowledge of NAF soldiers and their practical application.

Irīna Sujakina
Theme: Legal Regulation of Labour Protection in Latvia and Experience in the European Union Member States
Supervisor: Liene Cakare

The aim of the Master's Thesis is to improve the labour protection normative regulation based on the regulatory framework, case law, European Union legal framework, special scientific literature, analysis and evaluation of materials obtained during the practical training in order to improve employee health and safety at work and to reduce the employers' risk of accidents at work.

Sanita Peiča
Theme: Compensation of moral damages in civil law
Supervisor: Gatis Litvins

The aim of the research: to study the determination of the amount of compensation for moral damage, to summarize the conclusions and to put forward proposals for the improvement of the methodology for determining the amount of compensation for moral damage. The main results obtained show that compensation for non-pecuniary damage and its amount should be determined not according to the specific object of the crime, but individually, according to the individual consequences for each person who has been recognized as a victim. In determining the amount of compensation for non-pecuniary damage, the court must be satisfied that the amount determined will be fair satisfaction to the victim and that it will provide a basis for reconciliation between the offender and the victim as reasonable persons.

Anna Mihailova
Theme: Security deposit as an instrument for reaching the goals of criminal proceedings
Supervisor: Sigita Martinsone

In compliance with conclusions stated in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, security deposit as an alternative security measure to arrest is becoming increasingly important and more applicable in practice also in Latvia. The European Court of Human Rights has pointed out several times that it is necessary for national courts to evaluate the possibility of applying alternative preventive measures/ means to suspects and accused persons. However, despite the important role of this security measure for achieving the goals of criminal proceedings, according to the author’s opinion, the regulation of the matters of setting the amount of the security deposit, the procedure of payment and return of the security deposit, as well as its transfer to the state budget is very superficial in the Criminal Procedure Law. Therefore, there are substantial differences in the interpretation of the law in relation to these matters. The goal of the Master’s Thesis is to develop recommendations and proposals for setting uniform criteria regulating the amount of the security deposit, the procedure of its payment and return by examining the legal provisions in force in the Republic of Latvia, the legislation of the Member States of the Council of Europe and also the case law of the ECHR.

Vilnis Kaskevičs
Theme: Supervision of Prisoners in Riga Central Prison
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

Aim of the diploma thesis: To analyze the legal and practical aspects of the supervision of prisoners placed in Riga Central Prison, identifying the problem issues and providing recommendations for possible solutions.
The diploma thesis emphasizes the recognition that the psychological resilience of the Latvian Prisons Administration supervisors is the main cornerstone that ensures a high-quality and regulatory-compliant supervision process.
The conclusions and proposals express conclusions and proposals for the improvement of the monitoring process of prisoners housed in Riga Central Prison.

Mārtiņš Krauze
Theme: Improving the quality of Riga municipal police work
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

Police work today is very different from the times when this type of force structures in Latvia began to develop over time, police officers have to face a variety of life situations, so it is important to develop common guidelines in specific situations in order to achieve the desired result in policing.
Aim of the thesis: To develop proposals for improving the quality of Riga municipal police work.
Within the framework of the work, the possible types of communication between the State and municipal police, joint tasks to be performed and the opinions of residents and police officers on the intention to transfer the public order function to the municipal police as the primary performer of this task and direct the State Police resources to fight crime, as well as conclusions and proposals for improving the quality of Riga municipal police work.

Oskars Magone
Theme: Unmanned aircraft systems risk and impact on aviation safety and security in Latvia
Supervisor: Aivis Vincevs

On the 30th of December 2020, two new European Union Regulations has come into force. New regulations dictate how Unmanned aircraft systems should be used. This new law will fill the shortcomings of previous regulations, and it should make Latvian controlled traffic region (CTR) safer than before.
Due to rapidly growing unmanned aircraft system industry. Rapidly growing unmanned aircraft system demand requires new set of regulations to acquire new unmanned aircrafts and their pilots.
The framework of this paper includes different types of unmanned aircraft, unmanned aircraft interaction with other airspace users, legislation that dictates the aviation safety and security, unmanned aircraft system impact on general aviation safety and security.

Aigars Šēniņš
Theme: Problems of providing social security for a national guardsman who fills a position connected with combat support or combat security
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

In Qualification paper is a deeply researched problem, which relates to National Guardsman, which is on its duty while he or she is under contract.
Qualification paper`s main goal is to express proposals about how to enhance national guardsman, which fills a position connected with combat support or combat security, to the Republic of Latvia Guardsman legal framework. 
During the development of the qualification paper, the author has conclusion about the following question – Do legislations that regulate national guardsman who fills a position connected with combat support or combat security are not discriminating?, have been approved, that they are. Social guarantees are discriminating.

Krišjānis Stabiņš
Theme: Legal addresses of capital companies – real seat theory vs. incorporation theory
Supervisor: Liene Cakare

Aim of the research: To analyze the theories of true seat and incorporation and to come to conclusions and proposals on the need to make changes in the Latvian legal framework in relation to the application of the theory of true seat.
Conclusion of the research: It would be more efficient for the Republic of Latvia to stop application of the real seat theory and to introduce the incorporation theory for capital companies legal addresses.

Rita Emsiņa
Theme: Public participation in environmental decision-making
Supervisor: Iveta Golta

The aim of the work is to provide proposals for regulation improvement in legislation related to public participation in environmental decision-making process.
As a result of the research, the practice of informing and involving society in public consultations was studied, as well as the process of public consultation, binding regulatory enactments, court practice, legal and scientific literature. The shortcomings in the regulatory enactments were identified, conclusions were made, proposals for the elimination of the shortcomings in the regulatory enactments were developed.

Artūrs Škagals
Theme: Cooperation of Prisons, Other State Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations in the Resocialization of Prisoners
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to analyze the co-operation of prisons, other state institutions and non-governmental organizations in the re-socialization of prisoners and to develop a model of co-operation guidelines for improving the resocialization process. 
As a result of the work, based on the performed research, guidelines for the implementation of the resocialization model have been developed and the possibilities of the model implementation in Latvian prisons have been evaluated, evaluating the possibilities of additional cooperation of the involved parties in improving the process. The development of the guidelines model is based on the analysis of the literature, research of the working methods of prison administrations, other state institutions and non-governmental organizations, as well as the results of expert interviews and questionnaires of resocialization participants (prisoners). 

Edgars Čukurs
Theme: Making noise in the daytime as generally accepted behavior norm violation
Supervisor: Iveta Kārkliņa

This topic is especially relevant today, given that due to the spread of the infectious disease Covid-19, part of the society carries out its work and studies remotely - at their place of residence. There is also a part of society that shifts to work, for example at night, so this time of day is necessary for peace and rest. Noise of the existing legal norm during the day, including loud music, as an administrative violation is solved only partially and in certain cases, therefore it is necessary to perform analysis of regulatory enactments and develop simple procedures for application of legal acts to prevent violation of fundamental human rights.


FACULTY OF business administration 

Miks Bīriņš
Theme: Developing a communication strategy of the non-governmental organisation “Latvian Transatlantic Organisation” to promote recognition
Supervisor: Jolanta Derkevica-Pilskunga

Aim of the Diploma thesis – Develop a communication strategy to promote recognition for the non-governmental organisation “Latvian Transatlantic Organisation”. The paper describes theoretical approaches on communication development, the links between integrated marketing communications and public relations, types and tools of public relations, as well as guidelines for developing a communication strategy. Empirical research uses research methods such as the survey method and content analysis for the organisation’s social sites Facebook and Instagram. Based on the data obtained in the study, it is concluded that LATO has not developed an external communication strategy that makes it difficult to reach LATO's target audience, as well as gain the recognition of the organization and its activities.

Jānis Belickis
Theme: Improvement of communication between the society and forest landowners, ensuring the protection status of the bird species lesser spotted eagle
Supervisor: Jolanta Derkevica- Pilskunga

The aim  is to study the communication between the parties involved in ensuring the protection of the lesser spotted eagle. The author has used several research methods in his work:
1. Research of the content and application in practice of the legal acts of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union.
2. During the analysis of news on portals and in the press, the involvement of the media in communication was assessed in order to find out how the public is informed and how the opinion is formed in the mass media, about forestry and nature protection issues, including protection of the bird species concerned.
3. In the form of an interview, the opinion of professionals of different branches involved in the development and communication of the regulatory framework has been clarified on its application in practice, determining the protected areas for the lesser-spotted eagle.
4. A survey of forest owners has been conducted to find out how communication and involvement of forest owners in the development and application of new regulatory enactments takes place, encumbering forest properties.

Ilze Gailīte
Theme: Integrated marketing communication as a factor promoting the competitiveness of the company "Kokradis Wood Design"
Supervisor: Jolanta Derkevica-Pilskunga

The aim of the master's thesis: to evaluate the interconnections of IMC elements and build the strategy concept to raise the company's competitiveness, based on theoretical principles and analysis of “Kokradis Wood Design” marketing communication. Research methods used by the author:
1) analysis of the company's published content.
2) analysis of the company's inside content.
3) Survey method – a structured interview with the company’s management.
4) Survey method – existing and potential customers’ survey.
5) Competition analysis.

Daiga Grīnfelde
Theme: Corporate communication strategy in the joint stock company "Latvijas valsts meži"
Supervisor: Jana Bunkus

The aim is to develop the company's corporate communication strategy. The objective is to create the most appropriate strategy by researching different types of strategies, examples of available communication strategies in other companies, their results, to prepare the most appropriate corporate communication strategy for JSC “Latvijas valsts meži” LVM, which would promote the company's goals, provide additional tools for promoting reputation and recognition, as well as support dialogue with the public and nongovernmental organizations. Surveys and interviews were used in the work as research methods, as well as analysis of similar examples of corporate communication of companies from other countries.

Diāna Markelova
Theme: Development of guidelines for integrated marketing communication in the digital environment for SIXT car rental in Latvia
Supervisor: Jana Bunkus

The aim is to develop IMK communications guidelines for SIXT car rental in Latvia, which can be included in the company's overall digital marketing communication strategy.


Miks Bīriņš 

Oskars Magone

Līga Dambe

Evijs Ozols

Sitora Khamrakulova

STUDY YEAR 2019/2020


Artūrs Āmars
Theme: Transportation of valuable loads
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The goal of diploma work is to come up with suggestions for improvement of system of transportation of valuable loads in current company. 
Diploma work consists of four chapters. First chapter consists of research of principles of current company and detailed analysis of safety system in it. Including such as- how security department works in company, how is safety department working, what power has the security department, what is the structure of the company and what part takes the security department in it. 
Chapter two will consist of procedures should be made in company for get the highest level TAPA TSR certificate in transportation of valuable loads and the business aim for it. 
Chapter three will consist of description and analysis of benefits of having and maintenance of certificate. 
Chapter four will consist of established lacks in procedures of security and suggestions how to improve the system.

Gatis Saturiņš
Theme: Analysis of the stress management system at the National Fire and Rescue Service
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The aim of the Diploma Study is to develop guidelines for improving the stress management system in NFRS. The main results of diploma work are: guidelines for improving the stress management system in NFRS have been developed; the hypothesis has been confirmed that the guidelines for stress management will increase the stress resilience of Latvian firefighters; a study has been carried out on the state of stress management in NFRS; studies of foreign stress management systems, experience and good practice have been provided.

Agrita Medzvecka
Theme: Amendments to the procurement contract, which have been made for reasons that could not have been foreseen by the contracting authority, regulation and problems of its application
Supervisor: Una Skrastiņa

The aim of the work is to perform a legal analysis of the regulation of Section 61, Paragraph three, Clause 3 of the Public Procurement Law regarding amendments to the procurement contract, to identify and describe the most common problems in practice regarding the application of the regulation, and to provide proposals for its improvement. The main results of the work are: developed proposals for amendments to the Public Procurement Law, identified specific examples of practice regarding amendments to the procurement contract for reasons that the contracting authority could not have foreseen, and developed a new explanation of the regulation regarding amendments to the procurement contract for reasons unforeseeable by the contracting authority, which is supplemented by examples of practice and the solution developed by the author of the master's thesis to as soon as possible and efficiently in accordance with the Public Procurement Law and the DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC to assess whether the specific circumstances are to be considered as unforeseeable.

Mārtiņš Krauze
Theme: Public claims against the police officer
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

Police work today is very different from the times when this type of force structures in Latvia began to develop over time, police officers have to face a variety of life situations, so it is important to create common guidelines in specific situations in order to achieve the desired result in policing. It is no secret that in today's world there are people from different social strata that police officers encounter on a daily basis, so it is important to follow certain basic principles in policing, regardless of a person's social status.
Within the framework of the work, mainly examples from the daily work of the Riga municipal police will be mentioned, mentioning conflict situations in which employees may find themselves on a daily basis.
Within the framework of the qualification work, the author has determined the aim of the work: To develop proposals for the development of the qualities necessary for a police officer, as well as to develop certain guidelines for achieving this goal.

Raimons Mārtiņš
Theme: Conflict and peculiarities of its solution in National armed forces
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The goal of work was to explore causes of the Conflict between the soldiers in Latvian National Armed forces. On the bases of the research to be able to develop suitable recommendations to reduce the conflict situations in units. Main effort of the qualification job was to prove that proper training in recognition of presence of conflict situations and also training their ability to solve them in acceptable manner will enable soldiers in command (noncommissioned officers and officers) will reduce conflicts in their respective unit. For that reason, there must be made effort to improve proper training of them in respective aspects.

Verners Vangravs
Theme: Speed limit control methods in Latvia
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The aim of this qualification work is to come up with solutions of speed limit control improvement. Solutions that would lead towards a continuous rhythmic traffic flow, as well as maximize safety and comfort on roads. In order to draw conclusions and make suggestions, the author researched factors that influence road traffic accidents which cause is increased speed, collected theory of speed limit methods, surveyed drivers regarding speeding, and took a closer look at speed limit methods in Latvia. 
The author concludes that due to increasing speeds and traffic volumes, processes of controlling speed can be improved. There are more and more drivers each day and in order to improve safety on roads it is important to understand their behavior.

Justīne Cela
Theme: Problematics of temporary protection against violence in field of family matters
Supervisor: Viktorija Varigina

The aim of the qualification paper is to make proposals for improving the legal framework on violence and providing temporary protection against violence. Main results obtained – the author identifies deficiencies in the control of social rehabilitation services use and their actual application to the perpetrator. A major disadvantage is that the perpetrator is not obliged to visit them, they are only of a recommendatory nature; deficiencies in current laws and regulations that define how opinion of a person, (possibly) suffered from violence is acquired, providing temporary protection against violence (segregation). These deficiencies can be eliminated by amending or supplementing the existing regulatory framework.

Elīne Ivzāne
Theme: Trade secret institute and protection mechanisms
Supervisor: Ivo Krievs

The qualification paper carried out analytic research on the framework of trade secret legal regulations in the context of a practice situation. The objective of the paper – develop suggestions for a more effective trade secret protection. The conclusions of the paper and presented proposals would help to ensure evidence and calculate losses incurred by the rightful holders of the trade secret.

Linda Junghāne
Theme: The impelmentation of court-annexed madiation model in Latvia
Supervisor: Iveta Golta

In Qualifying Paper author investigates the implementation of the cooperation between mediation and civil litigation in Latvia. In the result of the study, the author concludes that the activity model of court-annexed mediation in Latvia did not provide the expected results - its impact on court workload and assisting in performance of reconciliation duties is minimal. Several suggestions for improvement of the situation were produced for promoting more frequent use of mediation in the course of civil litigation.

Jānis Pērkons
Theme: Ransomware incident impact and aspects on organisation operation and data security
Supervisor: Ivo Krievs

The aim of the work is to investigate the risk of ransomware, to make conclusions and to develop suggestions for the company's reaction before and in the case of ransomware impact. The study results in conclusions that everyone can be prepared for the impact of ransomware incident and also avoid it by creating appropriate safety measures. 
The work consists of three chapters examining a ransomware concept, activity and impact on company systems, types of company systems and their hazards, retaliation to them, risk management aspects, company’s behaviour in ransomware incident, incident management, action in case of a breach of personal data protection, and also accounting and legal aspects of redemption payment.

Karīna Kacalapa
Theme: Prooving of elements of crime of criminal funds legalization
Supervisor: Juris Juriss

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the criminal legal characteristics and proof of elements of crime of criminal funds legalization from the theoretical and practical aspects, resulting in the identification of problems and the formulation of proposals with possible solutions of problems. In the completion of this master thesis the conclusions are made regarding the improvement of provisions of criminal legal proof, elements of crime providing criminal responsibility for legalization of funds.

Agita Kandavniece
Theme: Transactions with agricultural land and application of the Law "On Privatization in Rural Areas"
Supervisor: Liene Cakare

The aim of the work is to identify the shortcomings of the legal framework for agricultural land transactions and to develop proposals for the improvement of the legal framework. Transactions with agricultural land and the application of the Law on Privatization of Land in Rural Areas is a broad topic that can be viewed from various perspectives, but this work will focus on the conditions to be met by legal entities and their transactions with agricultural land. and general concepts. In its turn, the norms of the law “On land privatization in rural areas” will be considered in the period from 01.08.2014. The paper mainly deals with the Law “On Land Privatization in Rural Areas” and the Cabinet of Ministers (hereinafter - the Cabinet of Ministers) 02.12.2014. Regulation No. 748 “Regulations on transactions with agricultural land” legal framework. The paper will not consider the acquisition of agricultural land for the extraction of minerals.

Sannija Matule
Theme: The right of a journalist to receive information in criminal proceedings and to acquaint with materials of a criminal case
Supervisor: Sigita Martinsone

The objective of this master’s thesis is to conduct an independent research, which analyzes legal acts, and to develop proposals for amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law in order to improve the national regulation on journalist access to information related to criminal proceedings. The thesis confirms a hypothesis that the current Criminal Procedure Law does not ensure a balance between society's rights to access information, on one hand, and the best interest of investigation and individual rights, on the other hand. The author offers specific proposals for solving the challenges identified in the research.

Nataļja Arikāne
Theme: The application of value added tax to the construction and its problems
Supervisor: Nikolajs Ozoliņš

The Aim of the Bachelor’s Thesis is to develop conclusions and recommendations for the improvement of legal acts which regulates value added tax (hereinafter - VAT) application arrangement for construction services. Carrying out research, the Author concluded that in order to solve the problems is necessary to improve legal acts which regulates tax application arrangement for construction services. 

Kristīne Lāce
Theme: Compliance of the activities of pharmaceutical wholesalers with the principles of Competition law
Supervisor: Mārtiņš Martinsons

The objective of the work is the evaluation of violations of competition law in the pharmaceutical sector in Latvia and the development of proposals for improvement of the legal framework.
In analysing the activities of the Latvian pharmaceutical market participants, it can be concluded that, despite the relatively large number of wholesalers, the existing market players are not sufficiently strong to exert effective competitive pressure on market leaders. One of the factors which create significant barriers to the entry of new competitors and the strengthening of existing market players is the existence of a vertically integrated retail trade network of major wholesalers, namely, large chain pharmacy networks. The existence of vertical integration and limited number of direct contracts (up to exclusivity) with the producers of medicinal products also lead to the risk of exclusion of competing pharmacies. 
The most common form of fair competition violations in Latvia in the pharmaceutical sector is the abuse and merger of market participants. The increase in market concentration leads essentially to a situation where consumer choice is increasingly reduced, while leading market players become more likely to influence the prices of drugs.

Zane Veinberga
Theme: Management of apartment houses – legal framework and problematics
Supervisor: Nikolajs Ozoliņš

The diploma thesis analyzes the normative regulation of the field, court practice, legal scholars findings expressed using the author 's research in previous years' studies on problems with the management of apartment buildings, the collection of utility bills, and possible solutions, supplementing with the author's professional experience, current issues. The aim of the work is to provide proposals for amendments to the Residential House Management Law, the Apartment Property Law, and other regulatory enactments regulating the multi-apartment house management industry.

Solvita Štrāle
Theme: Effective governance of public person’s enterprises: opportunities and challenges
Supervisor: Nikolajs Ozoliņš

Master’s thesis have been analysed actual questions with reform of the public person’s enterprises governance in Latvia (hereinafter - reform). The current trends in reform have been studied over the past 10 years, in the context to
quality of the legal framework of Latvian public person’s enterprises, and actual problemquestion their application. The work provides an insight reform and historical development of related legislation and application of the legal framework. Special attention is paid to meaning of good corporate governance in connection with effective managing and monitoring of public person’s enterprises. The aim of the master's thesis: to prepare the proposals in the legal framework, in order to streamline the effectivity of governance and monitoring of public person’s enterprises.


Faculty of Business Administration

Marija Ābola
Theme: Development opportunities of digital screens in outdoor advertising in Latvia
Supervisor: Iveta Liniņa

The Aim of the Paper: to develop recommendations for the use of digital screens in outdoor advertising in Latvia. Result: Recommendations for the media, advertisers and other stakeholders have been developed, as well as a forecast for the development of digital screens in the advertising market in Latvia, based on world experience and expert opinions.


Sindija Kukere
Theme: The development of an e-mail marketing strategy in the company "Ieteikumi Biznesam"
Supervisor: Iveta Liniņa

The aim of the diploma thesis – to develop an e-mail marketing strategy for a company. At the end of the diploma thesis, an e-mail marketing strategy was developed and suggestions for improving the current situation for the company’s management was provided.


Līga Balode-Vaivode
Theme: Speak up culture at work, what is the impact and solutions in AstraZeneca Latvia
Supervisor:  Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

The aim of Master thesis: to develop solutions for the implementation of speak up culture in companies in Latvia. The main conclusions of Master’s thesis: speak up culture is important part of organization’s culture, it’s a great indicator of company’s values, behaviours, beliefs and norms. Speak up culture’s implementation process is not fast and easy but is manageable.


Gunta Kalniša-šmite
Theme: The impact of demographic factors on the burnout rate in Swedbank client advisers in branches
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

The aim of the Master Thesis: develop solutions to prevent burnout for Swedbank client advisers in branches. The results obtained in the study confirm that Swedbank client advisers in branches have average level of burnout. The results show a relationship between demographic factors and burnout rates.


Mudassir Arafat
Theme: Model of Digitalization in Learning Practices for Starptautiskā Kosmetoloģijas koledža Riga (Latvia)
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

The theme of this master thesis was to carry out a strategic analysis of the current Digital Learning Tools & Practices implemented in Starptautiskā Kosmetoloģijas koledža (Riga) Latvia. The primary objective of this paper was to improve Digital Learning Tools & Practices already implemented in SKK and simultaneously Design a New Model of Digital Learning for the college. Over here, primary and secondary sources of data collection were used to gain detailed information about the Digital Learning Practices of Starptautiskā Kosmetoloģijas koledža Latvia.


Sabīne Muižniece
Theme: The role of communication in improving work-life quality for "Cabot Latvia" Ltd. Employees
Supervisor: Daina Škuškovnika

The aim of the Bachelor’s thesis is to study and evaluate which communication tools most effectively help to improve the quality of working life of employees in the company "Cabot Latvia" Ltd.


Roman Mykhailovych Zaporozhets
Theme: The reasons of the use of woman's body image for commercial purposes in Instagram
Supervisor: Jolanta Derkevica-Pilskunga

The aim of the Diploma thesis: research the reasons and effectiveness of the use of woman’s body image for commercial purposes in Instagram, especially for the advertisement of cosmetics, body-care, and other beauty products and services. The research results show that the use of woman’s body image in Instagram makes the blogger attractive for advertisers, especially for producers of cosmetics and other beauty products.


Katrīna Zariņa
Theme: Development of marketing communication guidelines for loyalty promotion towards Latvian design goods for children
Supervisor: Renāte Cāne

The aim of the Master’s thesis: to analyse the use of marketing communication by companies producing design goods for children, and research aspects of loyalty building that are essential to the target audience, in order to create marketing communication guidelines of loyalty building for the companies of this business sector in Latvia.


Gunārs Zelčs 
Theme: Possibilities of the Export Department of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the formation of international economic relations
Supervisor: Andris Vanags

The aim of the diploma paper: to develop a LCCI export management improvement model. Results of the study: based on the given question, the model for the promotion of export services has been developed.


Alīna Arikāne 
Theme: Automation options for the wet stock inventory control in "Circle K Business Centre"
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

The aim of the diploma is to identify solutions for automation of fuel inventory management processes to improve job efficiency. A survey of fuel inventory management processes for "Circle K Business Centre" was carried out over the course of the work. The thesis describes employee’s views and assessments on fuel inventory processes, calculating time resources for existing problematic processes, describing automation options and job efficiency benefits.


Marija Kovaļenko 
Theme: Building Information Modeling implementation investment project in LTD "Livland Group"
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

The aim of the Bachelor’s thesis: to research and work out investment project of Building Information Modeling implementation in "Livland Group" Ltd. As a result the author concludes that Building Information Modeling is a specific niche of construction services and that it is possible to acquire internal market.


Kristina Nesterova 
Theme: Development of marketing strategy for Gerrits Techniek en Advies
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

The aim of this Master’s Thesis is to develop a marketing strategy for “Gerrits Techniek en Advies” company. The author developed conclusions and offered a list of appropriate recommendations in order to choose a new marketing strategy for “Gerrits Techniek en Advies”.


Harijs Ābele
Theme: The development of a strategy for "Beloved boards" LTD to enter the American market
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

The aim of the diploma thesis is to develop a strategy for an export-oriented economic operator “Beloved boards” to enter the American market. Based on the study, it was concluded that it is necessary to choose a diversified entry method in cooperation with America, both with industry partners exporting their products to them and reselling them through them, as well as to actively operate in the e-commerce environment.


Arvis Eņģelis
Theme: Strategy development of "Latakko" LTD
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa 

The research of the thesis is topical, because in the last years of its existence, the company shows relatively low net profit indicators, which in turn indicates the company’s ability to invest in its development. Main goals: the strategy of “Latakko” Ltd. Has been developed, which is focused on the Functional level of the company and it interacts with the Business and Corporate level of the company.


Inguna Zelgalve 
Theme: Health care system reforms in Latvia
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe 

The aim of the Master’s thesis: to develop a health care system reform plan based on the results of theoretical and empirical research. As a result a health care plan has been developed, with an emphasis on health care promotion and prevention.


Zita Dūdiņa 
Theme: Development of a strategy for "Saldus Tourism Information, Culture and Sport Centre" in the field of tourism
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

The aim of the work is to develop a strategy for the Saldus Tourism Information, Culture and Sport Centre. As a result of the work, the general strategies for further development are proposed.


Juris Metums 
Theme: Evaluation and improvement of knowledge management in the "Latvijas Finieris" concern
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

The goal of the study was to evaluate the knowledge management of the “Latvijas Finieris” concern and to develop a model for an improved knowledge management system. To achieve this goal, an evaluation of the knowledge management is carried out on the basis of sociological research, and a model of an improved knowledge management system is developed.


Maryia Korzun 
Theme: Evaluation of Synergy Effect in M&A: "Savushkin Product" and "Baranovitchi DIP"
Supervisor: Maksims Grinčuks

The aim of the Master’s thesis: to estimate the possibility and financial benefit from M&A deal for "Savushkin Product" company with "Baranovitchi DIP". As a result, three scenarious of financial benefit from potential M&A deal for "Savushkin Product" were provided.


Ieva Ernstsone 
Theme: Improvement of State Reimbursed medicines system in Latvia
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

Aim of the research: to develop a change model for the Latvian State Reimbursed medicines system. Main results obtained: As a result of the study, close correlations were observed between the characteristics of the health care system (health system, health care budget) and the efficiency of the State Reimbursement Medicines System model. A close correlation was found between the model of the State Reimbursement Medicines System and the public health indicators.


Marija Ābola

Anete Ļaksa

STUDY YEAR 2018/2019

Faculty of Law 

Daiga Berkmane
Subject: Roaming legal framework and problematic issues
Supervisor: Armands Logins

The aim of the Master Thesis is to analyse the legal framework for roaming at European Union level, and the regulatory framework at national level, to identify problems, to propose solutions - amendments to national and European level legislation, regulating roaming and consumer protection. As a result of the research, the author has drawn up proposals for amendments to the European Union and national legislation based on aforementioned conclusions. 


Ingūna Irmeja
Subject: Ensuring the evacuation procedure of a multifunctional office centre
Supervisor: Uģis Začs

Purpose of the work is to evaluate the most important risks during evacuation of the multifunctional office centre, make proposals for risk reduction. As a result of the research carried out for the paper, an evacuation risk assessment table has been designed. Evaluation of three randomly selected evacuation solutions for the multifunctional office centre have been carried out. 


Artūrs Veselis
Subject: Protection of public spaces against vehicle ramming attacks
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The object of Diploma paper is to draft proposals for deployment of protective solutions in public places in Latvia. In the first chapter there is an analysis of terrorist attacks in which vehicles were used as an attack weapon in the past five years. The second chapter gives an overview of available protective solutions against vehicle ramming attacks as well as methodology and planning process of their deployment. The third chapter gives an overview of several public spaces in Latvia where deployment of protective solutions against vehicle ramming attacks is needed. At the last chapter of the diploma paper author develops conclusions and recommendations to improve protection of public spaces in Latvia against vehicle ramming attacks. 


Dairis Kļaviņš
Subject: The role of guarding technical systems in the safety of objects
Supervisor: Agra Lācīte

The purpose of the qualification work is to study the regularities between the security threats of the objects and the inability of the technical security systems to prevent them, draw conclusions, and make proposals for improvement of the situation. Qualification work addresses issues related to the use of security guard systems in object security, conclusions drawn from the analysis of the situation.


Jeļena Fedeņeva
Subject: Problems of Trade Secrets’, Non-disclosable Information’s, which is not an Official Secret, and the Financial Instrument Market’s Inside Information’s Protection in Criminal Law
Supervisor: Juris Juriss

The aim of the Master's thesis is to analyse the qualification problems of the criminal offense included in Section 200 of the Criminal Law in conjunction with the special Latvian and international law, to find a solution for elimination of the qualification problems of this section and to propose amendments of normative acts. In order to achieve the aim of the Master's thesis and to fulfil the task, was made a research on Latvian, European Union and certain foreign legislation concerning the criminal protection of a confidential commercial information (a trade secret, a non-disclosable information, which is not an official secret, an inside Information of the financial markets), court practice, statistical data, criminal and commercial law theoretical sources. as a result, concluded that the Criminal Law, the Freedom of Information Law, the Credit Institution Law and the Financial Instrument Market Law require amendments that would facilitate the proper understanding and more effective use and protection of a trade secret, a non-disclosable information, which is not an official secret, and the inside information of the financial markets. 


Anna Grīnvalde
Subject: Public Procurement of Social Services 
Supervisor: Una Skrastiņa

Author of the Master's thesis studies and discusses the purchase of social and other special services performed by the direct state administration institution, applying the facilitated procurement procedure of Article 10 of the Public Procurement Law. The aim of the thesis is to carry out an in-depth analysis of procurement of social and other special services, which are made pursuant to Article 10 of the Public Procurement Law, to submit proposals for the effective achievement of the objectives of the Public Procurement Law in the performance of these procurements. 


Velga Loce
Subject: Credit institutions' bankruptcy and problems related to it
Supervisor: Ivo Krievs

The aim of the master thesis is to investigate the legal regulation regarding credit institutions' bankruptcy and find a solution for improving it in such a way as to ensure a lawful and effective process of a bankruptcy procedure, including an achievement of the basic purpose of the bankruptcy procedure established by the Law on Credit Institutions. In the result of the research the hypothesis has been confirmed and it was concluded that the current legal regulation included in the Law on Credit Institutions, which provides an order of the bankruptcy procedure, does not correspond to the contemporary understanding of the course of lawful and effective insolvency proceedings.


Agnese Reine
Subject: The Influence of Public Consultation on Tree Felling in Cities
Supervisor: Gatis Litvins

The goal of the master thesis is to find out the criterions according to which municipalities guide themselves in assessing the opinions obtained via public consultations about intentions to fell trees, as well as the impact of such assessment on the final decision about issuing permissions or refusals to permit tree felling. The research was carried out by analysing the documents of the three major urban municipalities of Latvia (Riga, Liepaja and Daugavpils) including the evaluations of the public consultation results and the decisions to issue permissions to fell trees or to refuse them, where the process of tree felling involved public consultations.


Faculty of International Tourism

Alise Kalniņa
Theme: Employee Emotional Attachment and its Impact on Personel Performance in Catering Establishments of Riga
Supervisor: Agita Doniņa

The results of the research state that employee emotional attachement is mainly responding to factors rooting in job satisfaction, but sociodemographic variables have no effect on emotional attachment. According to results emotional attachement may result in turnover intention, organizational citizenship behaviour aimed at organization, and work engagement, but has no reciprocity with absenteeism.


Larisa Baranova
Theme: „Riga International Airport Environment Accessibility and Service for People With Special Needs”
Supervisor: Ruta Žvale

The number of passengers with special needs at Riga International airport is growing and the requirements for access to the environment and professional service are increasing. Riga International airport’s environment is accessible for people with disabilities, and staff are trained to serve passengers with special needs, but there are certain environmental and service factors that make it difficult for passengers with special needs to use the services of Riga International airport.


Faculty of Communication

Lauris Zvejnieks
Subject: Latvian Radio News in Easy-to-Read in the Period from 2016 to 2019
Supervisor: Andris Pētersons

The aim of the study is to develop guidelines for writing, editing and presenting radio easy-to-read news for radio broadcasting. The results of the research suggest that the general guidelines for writing and editing radio news coincide with the principles of creating particularly news in easy-to-read language. Furthermore, it can be concluded that news editors of Latvian Radio encounter difficulties complying with the guidelines for writing everyday radio news. The study also shows that the quality of news in easy-to-read language over time decreases, according to the applied analysis criteria.


Arta Rozena
Subject: Cross-cultural challenges and solutions for integration of Chinese nationals in Latvia
Supervisor: Agrita Lujāne

The aim of the Master’s thesis is to analyse the Latvian-Chinese cross cultural communication challenges and suggest possible solutions for overcoming such challenges. Research conducted by the author gives a thorough assessment of Latvian-Chinese cross-cultural communication and barriers therein. Findings of the thesis have formed the recommendations as to how the identified challenges should be addressed to promote the integration of Chinese nationals in Latvia. Processing and the content of collected data suggests that direct interviews offer a more valuable and trustworthy insights compared to outcomes of quantitative questionnaire.


Aliaksandra Belaya
Subject: Social networks as the main way of international communication of Turiba University
Supervisor: Agrita Lujāne

This paper explores the use of social networks within the educational institution “Turiba” and its influence on international communication of the University. The main findings of the research were that social networks are not the only one, but the main way of international communication in Turiba University. This is proved by the fact that various pages of the University in social networks have thousands of subscribers, people are aware of their existence and students interact through it. However, the results of social networks management itself showed that in order for Turiba to keep and multiply its audience, it should change the media strategy and technical maintenance of social platforms.


Diana Datsenko
Supervisor: Agrita Lujāne

This paper explores communication as one of the tool of manipulating public consciousness and researches its impact during the presidential elections on the example of the presidential elections in Ukraine within the period of 2014-2019. As the following paper is concerned with an important feature of political discourse, i.e., manipulation of meaning, the study is intended to provide an overview of the current state of the relationship between communication methods and technologies, and political polarization.  


Nigina Khalmukhamedova
Subject: NGOS communication after sexual harassment France and Uzbekistan
Supervisor: Agrita Lujāne

The aim of the bachelor thesis is to research the way French and Uzbek NGOS communicate and attempt to solve the problems of sexual harassment against women. Being precisely structured, the paper raises the questions of gender discrimination in its most aggressive manifestations, pointing out to the darkest blemishes on the modern society. As the main outcome, the author points out at the bright contrast in communication and management of the problem of sexual harassment against women in France and Uzbekistan.  


Faculty of business administration 

Zane Rēvalde
Subject: Management strategy for "Anti-Aging Institute"
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

The objective of the master's thesis was to create a management strategy for “Anti-aging institute”, which would be a new unit of an existing health-care enterprise, and to establish if the public understands the nature of “anti-aging” services and would like to buy these kinds of services. By conducting a market analysis, compiling 256 respondents' survey data between medical professionals and in public, as well as studying trends in the concept of “anti-aging” in the scale of global and Latvian markets, a management strategy has been developed for “Anti-aging institute” and found that the public has incomplete understanding of the nature of “anti-aging” services, but it is clear that people would like to focus on prevention, if they had the opportunity to know their potential future illnesses.


Elza Muižniece
Subject: The development of marketing strategy for AS "Rīgas Farmaceitiskā fabrika" food supplement line Dr.Pakalns
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

The aim of the Master thesis is to develop a marketing strategy for AS “Rīgas Farmaceitiskā fabrika” food supplement line Dr.Pakalns.  In the theoretical part of the study author examines and analyses the theory about marketing strategy development, including market segmentation and marketing measurement. In the practical part of the study author performs an analysis for the pharmacy market, including drug and food supplement market trends, and comparison with competitor products. Author analyses the results from questioner, performs SWOT analysis and gives her suggestions and thoughts about the marketing strategy. 


Alens Jankovskis
Subject: National funds development of European Commission research and innovation program "Horion 2020" for promoting small and medium entrepreneurship in Latvia"
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

The aim of the Master thesis is to develop national fund support models and to evaluate the effectiveness of their development and implementation. The thesis identified the need for national funds and proposed implementation models of support, as well as the administration institution and the funding program.


Ishan Dhiman
Subject: Improving Human Resource Management at I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

The study aims to identify the reality of the human resources management at the I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University in India. It seeks to shed lights on the process of HR Planning, Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection & Appointment, and Performance Assessment. The study reveals that there is a low level of the practices in the human resources management especially for the functions of the study axis (HR Planning, Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection & Appointment, and Performance Assessment). The author believes that human resources management practices recede in routine matters related to the employment and recruitment procedures and the application of the systems. These practices are also receding to the HR regulations, employment contracts relating to the rights and duties of workers, the calculation of salaries, the follow-up vacations and the recording personnel data.


Azizbek Amadaliev
Subject: Online Consumer Purchase Behaviour in Latvia: Application of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Supervisor: Velga Vēvere

Amid rapidly growing information technology in the e-commerce area, ongoing studies about consumers acceptance of these technological changes are essentially required, since consumers buying behaviour is a dynamic process. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the influential factors that affect consumer decision-making process in internet shopping in Latvia and to work out the TAM implementation guideline for the Latvian online stores. 


Belvin Benny
Subject: Turiba's Social Media Conception for Foreign Students
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

The purpose of the study is to know the effect of Social media marketing at Turiba University which I think is an important factor and initiative that should be taken from the administration to reach out to students who want to pursue bachelor and master’s degree courses. Given the digital marketing profile of Latvia, Turiba university has a wide range of opportunity to introduce their product to the market with Social media marketing as their tools. This thesis consists of three major components, beginning the theory of Social media marketing and brand awareness, the analysis part which will describe about the company, the current Social media marketing strategy and the market analysis. 


Kateryna Virchenko
Subject: Improvement of the Human Resources Management Strategy Through Emotional Intelligence Tools
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

In order to present a decent research, the author set 3 main goals: to analyze and understand the theoretical background of the Emotional Intelligence, to investigate the already existing strategies of human resource management and its disadvantages in the MSC Service Center Riga, and to improve already existing Human Resources Management strategy through emotional intelligence tools in order to increase staff productivity. The results gave an answer to the research question and showed the most effective EQ tools for implementation in the new strategy. The research helped to draw a list of conclusions and recommendations in order to present the improved strategy of Human Resource management for the MSC Shared Service Center Riga company.  


Ilze Zaķe
Subject: Development opportunities for "Patrika", Ltd
Supervisor: Iveta Liniņa

Aim of the research: Preparation of a business development plan for SIA “Patrika”. Result: Suggestions for improving services of the grocery online store, managed by SIA “Patrika”, based on results of the survey conducted by author, a literature review and market research regarding global and Latvian food e-commerce. Market segmentation, marketing complex aspects in the context of e-commerce, and the major factors influencing customer satisfaction and loyalty have been studied separately. 


Dace Bogdanova
Subject: Marketing strategy development for "Hellstorm Studios" LCC
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

Aim of the work: To develop marketing strategy for  “Hellstorm Studios” LCC. Results of research:  "Hellstorm Studios" LCC is one of the few companies in Latvia that are developing mobile games. The company has not developed any processes or procedures related to financial, personnel, quality or marketing management. Developing a marketing strategy for company would allow it to move more successfully towards the defined goals and would help to market created games better. Within the framework of the work, a marketing strategy was developed for the company, defining separate strategies and processes for each element of the marketing complex. 


Sergejs Novikovs
Subject: Possibilities for Improvement of Business Activity of SIA "VIKOTRANS"
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

The aim of the diploma paper is to develop the system of economic development of SIA „VIKOTRANS”. The first chapter presents the theoretical aspects of economic activity and financial indicators, the second chapter assesses the company's financial indicators and the development of the sector, the third chapter defines the company's development directions. 


Jurijs Dubatovka
Subject: Analysis of economic activity and development possibilities of JSC "R&C"
Supervisor: Anna Medne

The aim of the thesis is to develop recommendations for the future operation of JSC 
“R&C” based on the results of financial analysis. Summarizing the data obtained during the work process, it was concluded that the company had financial problems of different nature, however, financial indicators have improved in recent years. It was also concluded that before making any investments in the development of the company, it is necessary to maintain and increase the existing turnover and to optimize the operation of the company as much as possible. 


Signe Slavinska
Subject: Improvement opportunities of integrated quality management system in AS Ceļu pārvalde, JSC
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

The aim of the thesis is to develop guidelines for the improvement of the integrated quality management system. The main results of the research are the possibilities to improve the integrated quality management system using methods such as LEAN, 5S method, matrix of competences and Gemba walk to increase the efficiency of the system in the company and strengthen the activity in the industry. 


Raimonds Ledžus
Subject: Improvement of digital communication development directions in Freimans Timber Constructions
Supervisor: Iveta Liniņa

Aim of the research: Develop digital communication directions. The author of the thesis has developed the digital communication for “Freimans Timber Constructions”. As a result of these improvement, in the first quarter of 2019, the company successfully achieved its digital marketing goal of increasing demand by 25% from the beginning of 2019 on the Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, French markets until the end of 2019, against the previous 2018. The fulfilment of this goal confirms the previously stated work hypothesis - the absence of the company's digital communication plan hinders its development.


Artūrs Melderis
Subject: Personnel management processes and the improvement opportunities in "If P&C Insurance AS Latvijas filiāle"
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

The aim of the work is to develop solutions for the improvement of personnel management processes and personnel motivation system in the company “If P&C Insurance AS Latvijas filiale”. The result of research show that in general company’s employees are satisfied with their workplace and company’s personnel management processes, but nevertheless  there are some stages of processes that need to be improved. As a result, author of the diploma developed a number of proposals to improve personnel management processes and motivation system. 


Ivonna Martuzāne
Subject: The use of digital marketing in the activity of the enterprise "Pure Chocolate"
 Supervisor: Iveta Liniņa

The aim of the paper is to develop the content of communication “Pure Chocolate” in the digital environment. The results of the study indicate that the most profitable channels for the development of digital marketing for the enterprise “Pure Chocolate” are the website and social networks. For further successful development of the enterprise, proposals for the improvement and development of digital marketing have been developed.


Gatis Bērziņš


Alise Krasovska


Sinan Yagubov


Santa Marija Meirāne


Iqra Siddiqui


Aleksandrs Klints


Raivo Matheuss

STUDY YEAR 2017/2018

Faculty of Business Administration

Kristiāna Šteinberga
Subject: Improvement of marketing communication in social networks of the company “Dabars-L”
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

The research concluded that the company’s “Dabars-L” marketing communication in social network is irregular and its activity is low, it can be improved by creating different types of records, by regularly publishing them on social networks, which would promote the activity or the company’s page followers.


Aziza Shamsuddinova
Subject: The Effect of Social Media Marketing as a Marketing Tool in formation of positive brand attitude and loyalty of Tiksar
Supervisor: Velga Vēvere

Diploma research identified research question and new strategy was made and proposed to the company. The recommendations to improve social media marketing in order develop positive attitude and build brand loyalty of Tiksar.


Inese Siliņa 
Subject: "KURZEMES NVO atbalsta centrs" financial liability for the purpose of the goal
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

The theme of the Thesis is related to the analysis of financial attraction opportunities and the development of the most appropriate solutions for the development of civil society legal forms - associations and foundations - in Latvia, especially in its regions, thus ensuring the independence, sustainability and quality of the sector's activity. 


Dāvis Mickus
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

The diploma paper is based on the analysis of personnel management approaches, analysis of the latest financial data of competitors, information on the day-to-day and long-term processes in the organization, as well as based on an analysis of the author's survey on work approach, efficiency and motivation. The theory base used in the paper also consists of information obtained in consultation with the personnel management team of the organization.


Kristīne Misiņa
Subject: The assessment of marketing mix measures in AS “HKScan Latvia”
Supervisor: Māris Bērziņš

The main conclusions of this research are: all of four marketing mix measures, that provides successful work of company, are used by “HKScan Latvia”, but not always all of these marketing mix measures are balanced mutually. Communication channel like advertisement is used a lot, while communication channel like Public Relations are not. “HKScan Latvia” have to work on diversity of company`s assortment, thinking about price level, company also need to focus on manufacturing products that can be made quickly and easily.


Agnese Pļavniece 
Subject: Quality Management System Methodology Development for “Bogvila, Ltd.”
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

In accomplishing this work, scientific works and other company’s qualitative management system implementation experience were analysed. The competitiveness and development of the trade industry were explored. The company's financial performance and personnel management aspects were evaluated; the company’s "level of excellence" was determined using EFQM Model. The employee and client survey to determine internal and external competitive factors impact and receive the independent assessment of company was conducted.


Jana Robalde
Subject: Catering Service Ensuring Development in Educational Institutions of Talsi County
Supervisor: Iveta Liniņa

The aim of the paper is to develop catering service ensuring in educational institutions of Talsi County. In this paper ensuring of food service in educational institutions has been evaluated and it has been concluded that there are no unified regulations for providing food service for students in educational institutions of the county.


Kaspars Birkhāns
Subject: Improvement opportunities for the LLC "Rigas udens" risk management system.
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

During the study the scope of the activities of the company, the industry’s trends, the company's main financial indicators, the company’s structure and personnel as well as LLC "Rigas udens" safe management system were analysed. As a result of the research, proposals to be included in the company's risk management system were created, the implementing of which could increase the effectivity of the department's production, would allow using the department's resources more rationally and would increase the overall effectivity of the company's work.


Evelīna Jurševiča
Subject: The possibilities of efficiency enhancement in a private medical clinic
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

During the research the theoretical aspects of the efficiency enhancement, medical and financial rates of SIA Medserviss activity were studied, the defects were identified and the possibilities of their liquidation were analysed. As the result of the Thesis the instructions for efficiency enhancement of the clinic operation were prepared. 


Ilona Kuzmina
Subject: Food Delivery Portal FOODOUT development possibilities in Eirazia
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

The theme of this thesis is the development of the food delivery portal "Food" in the Eurasian region, identifying the most suitable countries for moving on the external market. The author believes that the investigated company has a relatively high prospect of entering Top 10 among the leading Eurasian food delivery portals, but in order to achieve this, market research is needed to identify potential barriers and areas that need to be improved or improved.


Gita Kolerte
Subject: Scandic Fusion” Ltd external market acquirement opportunities in Scandinavia in the field of Business intelligence sector
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

In the course of the study, the author concludes that business intelligence is a specific niche of IT services and that it is possible to acquire external markets only during direct communication with interested companies following the B2B operation principle. Successful development of the company requires the implementation of a basic level, functional level, business level and multinational strategy, which will result from the successful implementation of external market acquisition processes.


Faculty of Law

Dace Šatrovska
Subject: The legal definition of noise and impact on the favorable environment
Supervisor: Gatis Litvins

The aim of the research is to find out the legal definition of noise in regulatory enactments, to analyse noise types and their evaluation procedures and provide solutions for improving noise management. Obtained results indicate that the current legal framework does not provide sufficient protection of society from the effects of noise. The research proposes amendments to several legal acts (Law "On Pollution", Latvian Administrative Violations Code and several Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers), specifying the competence of the municipalities and the Health Inspectorate in the management of noise and separating the application of administrative penalties for violations related to environmental noise as pollution and breach of the peace.


Andris Tomkalns
Subject: Access control
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The aim of the qualification paper is to offer proposals in order to improve access control organization. The topic is urgent due to constantly growing threats to any object. Terrorist attacks, hacker attacks, organized crime, disloyal employees make us think about issues in access control organization.
The first chapter explains the concept, meaning and legal regulations of access control. The paper analyses most essential normative acts, as well as explains the essence of access control. The second chapter gives an overview of access control systems and their types. The third chapter explains identification methods describing their technical possibilities. Fourth chapter describes organization of access control in actual objects, here the author of the paper points out the current issues as well as explains his vision of necessary access control organization. In the conclusion of the paper author draws conclusions as well as offers proposals for improvement.


Gvido Lapiņš
Subject: Selection and training of security employees
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The target of the thesis is to make proposals for improvement of the selection and training programs of security employees in order to provide quality security guard work.

Author examines the current security circumstances in Latvia, and according to the author of the thesis three main types of threat are reviewed. An important role in reducing the security dangers plays a security employee, who can support national security authorities in tackling different types of threats. An essential condition is that the security officer must be trained professionally. Also author examines the current description of the security activity, looking at the normative act framework and the authorities influencing the work of security employees. In the third chapter of the paper, the author reviews the existing practice of the recruitment of security employees in Latvia, its importance and the common errors. In work also have a discusses issues related to the necessary training of the security employees, both from the view of the regulatory legislation and the experience of the companies.


Mārtiņš Melnis
Subject: Evaluation of security risks and manageable activities in civil protection in medical object
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

There is a wide range of different medical procedures organized in medical objects and the preliminary function of medical object is taking care of people health. However not always the management of the object dedicates the needed attention to security issues in the object. The most often person responsible for security in the object is without experience in security sphere so company might be overspending and still not receive the best result. According to records of author of the work, responsible persons have not evaluated the risks of security as well as there are not fixed the spheres, which has the need to be more attention dedicated. Whereas in the global world we live now the risks of security continues to rise and in mass media we hear words “danger”, “potential risk” more often day to day and it concerns to different places, including the hospitals. According to mentioned above author of the work analyses the level of security in the one of the largest medical object in Latvia as well as how the risks of security are being evaluated and is there a methodology for risk evaluation. At the end author will specify conclusions and suggestions for concrete medical objet for decrease of security risks.


Juris Skābardis
Subject: Security guard action in emergency situations
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The author’s aim of this work is to prepare proposals for the effective action of the security guard in emergency situations while performing the duties of a security officer. The author of this work has included such topics as risk, internal and external threats, emergency situations in security guarding operations, where he has made suggestions on how to act as security guard in specific situations. A descriptive, comparative and analytical method was used to achieve the set goal and fulfil specified tasks. The main findings of the work are restored instructions for the security guard actions in emergency situations.


Imants Vītols
Subject: The organisational process of static site security operations
Supervisor: Ivita Kīsnica

The objective of thesis is to analyse the processes of current governing legal act. The second objective is to establish measures that are essential for the improvement of the security procedures’ efficiency. During the research, as a result of the carried out investigations, several areas were discovered that overall negatively affected the management of the security procedures – flaws in the governing legal acts of security procedures, inadequate regulation of the process for the State Police security certificate training and certificate turnover, which tends to lower the security guard qualification standards.


Kristīne Vikle
Subject: The Problematic Use of Copyrighted Work, From the Aspect of the Author and the User
Supervisor: Ingrīda Veikša

Special attention in the research has been paid to the copyright problems in the internet environment and in employment relationships. The research revealed that changes in the field of copyright, as governed by Latvian, European Union and international laws and regulations, occur rapidly because the copyright realm is significantly influenced by developments in technology. Laws and regulations are amended too late, harming the authors and holders of the material rights to the authors’ work. Institutions in charge of copyrights should constantly keep up with developments in the sector and propose respective amendments to laws and regulations. The research of the employment relationship field demonstrates that if the work is created at the expense of the employer and is directly related to the commercial activity of the company, the author has few opportunities to exercise personal rights without the employer’s approval because in many cases that may be a breach of business secrets. To achieve fairness in the relationship between the author and the employer, the Copyright Law should be amended.


Elvīra Atvare
Subject: Expropriation of Real Estate Required for Public Good
Supervisor: Viktors Makucevičs

The paper aims to analyse the international practice of expropriation, assess and analyse the framework of laws and regulations regarding the expropriation of real estate required for public good, as well practice in the Republic of Latvia, focusing on mutually willing expropriation and regulations in Baltic states and offering proposals for amendments to the laws and regulations, so as to facilitate mutually willing expropriation and useful use of state’s property and financial resources. As the result of the study, analysis of laws and regulations, case law and literature has been carried out, comparing the framework for expropriation in the Baltic States, identifying the main problems in the processes of expropriation and right of pre-emption, as well proposing amendments in the current laws and regulations.


Agita Kandavniece
Subject: Transactions with agricultural land and application of the Law „On Land Privatisation in Rural Areas
Supervisor: Liene Cakare

Purpose (the aim) of diploma thesis is identification of problems related to practical application and legal framework of transactions with agricultural land and suggestions of legal framework improvements. In the process of writing of this diploma thesis the author has used the legal literature, legal acts of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, and international law, case law and other source. In the process of writing this diploma thesis was raised the question: „Is the legal framework for agricultural land transactions consistent with the objective and whether appropriate means have been chosen to achieve the goal?” As the result of this diploma thesis problem situations have been identified and legal suggestions are made to improve the legal framework.Purpose (the aim) of diploma thesis is identification of problems related to practical application and legal framework of transactions with agricultural land and suggestions of legal framework improvements. In the process of writing of this diploma thesis the author has used the legal literature, legal acts of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, and international law, case law and other source. In the process of writing this diploma thesis was raised the question: „Is the legal framework for agricultural land transactions consistent with the objective and whether appropriate means have been chosen to achieve the goal?” As the result of this diploma thesis problem situations have been identified and legal suggestions are made to improve the legal framework.


Ina Ceicāne – Gurtlava
Subject: The Role of Commercial Banks in Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
Supervisor: Ivo Krievs

Aim is to assess and identify possible deficiencies and shortcomings of applicable regulatory enactments. The first section covers a general overview of the theoretical aspects of the legalization of money laundering, including the concept of money laundering, mechanisms, key preconditions for using offshore jurisdictions, as well as international organizations regulating the sphere related to combating the legalization of laundering of proceeds from crime. In the second section the author describes the policy implemented by Latvian commercial banks to prevent money laundering. The third section the author devoted to analysis of author analyses the development of normative acts and correlation thereof with the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, detects problems related to the field and offers legal solutions for improving the mechanisms of prevention of legalization of the proceeds from crime within the regulatory enactments of Latvia. As a result of the Master's thesis, conclusions and proposals were made.


Dženeta Dreiblathena
Subject: Concept of work organization and peculiarities in company
Supervisor: Iveta Kārkliņa

The objective of this work is to develop proposals for improvement of labour law regulation in Latvia. Following tasks for achieving goals were set: to study and analyse conception such as "business" and "organization of work"; to study difficulties of applying labour law in retail sector and its legal consequences; to analyse legislation in the field of labour law adapted in Republic of Latvia and European Union, take a survey of retailers about the desired organization of work in the company. As a result of the research, the author has studied the legal framework of labour law in Latvia and the European Union, application difficulties in retail sector, as well as developed proposals for improvement of labour law regulation in Latvia.


Faculty of International Tourism

Ēriks Radželis
Theme: Single as a Marketing Tool for Musicans
Supervisor: Brigita Rozenbrika

The study “Single, as musicians main marketing tool” was based on the most topic music marketing tendencies. Author collected analyzed theoretical materials about digital technology development effect on the music industry and a specialy designed questionnaire method showed the overall consumer opinion on the situation.


Kārlis Lipsnis
Theme: Intangible Cultural Heritage festival in Suitu Cultural Space
Supervisor: Agita Doniņa

As a result of the research, the author concluded that the state institutions and the stakeholders of cultural heritage have an interest in the idea of this event and the concept of the measures developed can be realized if funding from the public funding is received.


Student Scientific Conference "Topical Issues of Entrepreneurship in Domestic and International Environment". April 6, 2017.

Alise Krasovska


Svens Priede


Anton Sokolov


Daniil Khatskevich


Maryia Lazitskaya


Elīna Saifullina, Rebeka Elīna Puce


Juris Kondrašovs, Jānis Grants
Topic: Digital marketing application for the development of e-commerce


Sindija Kukere


Laura Laugale


Moustafa AbuElmaaty


Patriks Jānis Akmanis


Kaspars Bernāns


Santa Skromane
Topic: SIA „Rimi Latvia” pašapkalpošanās kases


Arvis Eņģelis


Dainis Geks


Karīna Zdora


Mārcis Zommers

STUDY YEAR 2016/2017

Faculty of International Tourism

Nina Clinckemaille
Subject: Comparative research of young people’s motivation to become entrepreneurs in Belgium and Latvia
Supervisor: Ineta Lūka

The aim of the Master Thesis was to see what could be changed or improved in both countries in order to increase the entrepreneurship among young people as they represent the economic future. The author of the research has identified the motivation of young people to become entrepreneurs in Belgium and Latvia and has developed a possible model for increasing young people’s motivation in entrepreneurship. The research results contribute to the general understanding of the business environment, namely, the ease to start business and the opportunities in both countries as well as the factors that influence young people’s motivation. The model shows all determinant elements that have to be taken into consideration for the measurement of young people’s motivation to start their own business in Latvia and Belgium.

Faculty of Business Administration

Gunay Osmanova

Subject: A model for selection and hiring of over qualified employees in Baltic countries
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

Johnny Ralston Soundararaj

Subject: Enterprising&Business Development System of Nord Agri Ltd in emerging Peat Moss Industry
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

Aija Štrausa

Subject: Opportunities for the Development of "SMART SMS" Ltd. SMS Service Business Line Under Intense Competitiveness Circumstances
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

Ajiniyaz Azatov

Subject: Financial development project for “Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala”
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

Atis Barinskis

Subject: Investment opportunities in one-bedroom apartments rental market in Vidzeme small towns
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

Sandijs Brīze

Subject: Analysis and development opportunities of economic activity of "Transcom Worldwide Latvia"
Supervisor: Eduards Aksjoņenko

Mārtiņš Brūders

Subject: Promotion of "Qualitas Fido" Ltd. In European export markets
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

Juris Zalāns

Subject: Improvement of Ltd. "Havas Latvia" employee motivation system to increase the financial results of the company
Supervisor: Zane Driņķe

Evita Brilte

Subject: Ltd. "Digital Journey" marketing development opportunities
Supervisor: Eduards Aksjoņenko


Agrita Vindača
Topic: The analysis of case law about compensation in administrative process

Agija Antra Ķerzuma
Topic: Vessels operating cost reduction opportunities research

Anna Grīnberga
Topic: Tourists experience of culinary tourism products in Riga

Laura Annija Hausmane un Egita Eisaka
Topic: A shopping list, the impact on sales volume

Filips Mārtiņš Valciņš
Topic: Firms compliance to 28th and 29th article of commercial law

Rebeka Elīna Puce
Topic: Analysis of supermarket communication in social networks

Rinalds Vītoliņš
Topic: Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages the excise duty LTD "Coca Cola HBC Latvia"

Ilze Zaķe
Topic: Flower retail business and its possibilities of e-commerce in Latvia

Anna Shchehula
Topic: Bubble tea factory marketing mix analysis based on primary research

Narmin Nazirova
Topic: Analysis of impact of Baku European Olympic Games on tourism develpoment in Azerbaijan

Kateryna Kuslyva
Topic: Marketing activity for increasing recognizability of the brand. Based on the Latvian company Baltic wild

Katerina Lapanovich
Topic: Factors impacting Belarussian tourists while choosing Latvia as an outbound tourism destination

Ludwig Louis Baillif
Topic: Competitivness of Cognac's companies - What are impacts of global warming to Cognac's vineyard and which solutions could be used against these impacts?

Anete Krūmiņa
Topic: Noieta veicināšanas veida trading stamps jeb uzlīmju krāšanas izmantošana pircēju lojalitātes palielināšanai

STUDY YEAR 2015/2016

Faculty of International Tourism

Ilona Vilciņa
The topic of the Master Thesis: “Higher education internationalization process: comparative analysis of Anadolu University and Turiba University”.
Advisor: Professor Ineta Lūka

The aim was to examine the implementation of measures in internationalization and mobility context, in Anadolu University, in Turkey and Turiba University, in Latvia and on the basis of the research, design “Virtual Collaboration Online Platform” to further mobility processes.  In the result significant advantages of internationalization and mobility processes have been identified to positively influence higher education institutions, countries, society, students and stakeholders.


Faculty of Law

Baiba Logina
Subject: State Aid for Renewable Energy in the Republic of Latvia − Improvement of the Application of Laws and Regulations”
Supervisior: Edgars Oļševskis

The master’s paper investigates the process of ensuring compliance of the aid mechanism of Latvia for encouraging renewable energy with the European Union law and documents which the European Commission applies when considering the state aid’s adequacy to the internal market. Likewise the author points out tendencies for future developments in energy policy which will determine the possibilities of Latvia as an European Union country to apply the exception set in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union in regards to providing state aid for encouraging renewable energy.


„Business Challenges in the Global Market”, 2 April, 2015.

Nauris Linkevičs
Topic: Influence of currency fluctuation for business on Belarus country example


Anastasija Tkačenko
Topic: Steamers house and water treatment system modernisation opportunity analysis in AEROC LTD


Narmin Nazirova
Topic: Factors affecting Azerbaijan tourists to choose Georgia as a tourism destination


Bohdan Rybka
Topic: Ukraine: Strange economy at strange war


Aziza Shamsuddinova
Topic: How Social Media Marketing Influences on Startups


Gunārs Laugalis
Topic: Karostas Prison as a tourist attraction object for Liepaja


Soujanya Bhattacharya
Topic: The Make in India Campaign


Elīna Saifullina
Topic: The impact of adoption of the euro on the business environment


Laura Laugale
Topic: Research of PJSC „CEĻU BŪVNIEKS” development opportunities


Ajiniyaz Azatov
Topic: Analyse of benefits and problems of forecasting trends in marketing research


Vladislav Yurovskiy
Topic: Pros and Cons of Internet Marketing


Nikoloz Turazashvili
Topic: Patchi: How marketing made ordinary chocolate luxury?


Elmir Gadirov
Topic: Azerbaijan outbound tourists’ satisfaction after visiting Turkey as a holiday destination


Amanda Zariņa
Topic: Fuel prices and factors affecting it


Yuliya Kryvitskaya
Topic: Challenges of expanding business in foreign countries on “Polimersvarka” company example


Andris Bērziņš
Topic: New product introduction in company „GIRAFFE VISUALIZATIONS GROUP 2012”


Egita Eisaka, Laura Hausmane
Topic: Social networking role of staff candidates for the assessment

STUDY YEAR 2014/2015

Faculty of Business Administration

Rolands Černišovs
Subject: "Ltd. "LKB" marketing strategy for entry in Estonia market"
Supervisor: Renāte Cāne

The author of the Paper has developed ‘LKB’ Ltd. marketing strategy for entry in Estonia market. The topicality of the paper lies in the analysis of practical application of international marketing, the analysis of Estonian business and economic environment as well as the development of the marketing strategy for entry in Estonia market, with diversification of pricing approach and company's activity focus on the internet environment.

Silga Iubule
Subject: "Investment Project establishment of used lead-acid Batteries recycling plant in enterprise Ltd "ECO LEAD""
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

The author of the Thesis has developed an investment project for used lead-acid batteries recycling plant creation in the enterprise ‘ECO LEAD’ Ltd. The topicality of the paper lies in the research of the amount of lead-acid batteries available in Latvia, the evaluation of the recycling amount and opportunity analysis, as well as the research on technologic alternatives, investment estimate for establishment of used lead-acid battery recycling plant, and the payback period calculations.


Ivita Meistere
Subject: "Stock listing system's amprovement opportunities at Lattelecom stores"
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

The author of the Thesis has developed a proposal for stocking system improvement at Lattelecom stores. The topicality of the thesis lies in the following findings: the company has defined the stock and illiquid balance problem; investment project within the company must improve inventory tracking system to stock and illiquid stocks be balanced; as the result of introduced collection’s accounting system, analysis data show a positive trend in the decrease of stock.

Viktorija Nesčotnsja
Subject: "Development of an international marketing strategy for SIA Multi service new tehnology"
Supervisor: Ligita Zīlīte

The author of the Paper has developed a marketing strategy for ‘Multi service’ Ltd. The topicality of the paper lies in the research of how to promote company’s new product in international markets, considering current transport industry interaction with global ecology issues and global trends ensuring a sustainable development.


Volha Niasdolina
Subject: "Effectivization of work of the TELE2 Latvia on the basis of intensification"
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

The author of the Thesis has analysed the Tele2 efficiency on the basis of Intensity increase. The topicality of the Thesis lies in the special focus paid to the comprehensive assessment, as the author believes that only this method can fully estimate the company effectiveness.


Kristīne Rusberga-Gedmina
Subject: "New product introduction and promotion on the market in the manufacturing company LSEZ SIA "LESJÖFORS Gas Spring""
Supervisor: Inga Vasermane

The author of the Paper has developed a conception for introduction of new products and their promotion on the market. The topicality of the Paper lies in the research of the developments in new product introduction and advancement in the market, as well as proposals for further work in this process.


Dana Sāre
Subject: "Wind energy feasibility study for a wind farm "Vizijas""
Supervisor: Oskars Onževs

The author of the Thesis has investigated opportunities for wind energy production at the wind farm ‘Vizijas’. The topicality of the Thesis lies in the research of the wind energy development, its use topicality and economic aspects, as well as the current situation in the Latvian wind energy sector.


Ieva Skrabe
Subject: "Latvian Mobile Telephone, Ltd. Competitiveness improvement opportunities in the conditions of the telecommunications market transformation"
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

The author of the Paper has developed guidelines for improving the competitiveness of LMT. The topicality of the Paper lies in the following findings: for LMT competitiveness maintaining purposes it is necessary to develop indirect customers cost reduction tools (loyalty bonuses, etc.), actively develop mobile internet services with unlimited data transfer volume, create a strategy where mobile content replaces other (paid) services, to build new channels of innovative and actual content development and delivery as well as create innovative services based on the latest technologies with high barriers to imitation.


Edgars Vizulis
Subject: "Advertising plan for customer increase for "Skrundas muiža" hotel and restaurant"
Supervisor: Renāte Cāne

The author of the Paper has created the advertising plan for customer increase for “Skrundas muiža” hotel and restaurant. The topicality of the Paper lies in the research of the hospitality market in rural regions of Latvia and the related theoretical aspects of creating advertising plan, as well as solutions for customer attraction.


Faculty of Communication

Inese Lukaševska
Subject: Public relations company market problems and development trends in Latvia
Supervisor: Renāte Cāne

The objective of the master thesis is to identify the Latvian public relations company market problems as well as to analyze development trends. In the master work of the conducted analysis it was determined that the leading (in terms of turnover) public relations companies control 86% of the market and their list remains practically unchanged. The leading public relations companies market share is increasing from year to year. Companies are influenced by ratings and popularity of the agencies, considering that the turnover is a quality indicator, however they don't perform the assessment of the quality of the provided services provided after the program. Market entrants and small public relations companies have limited customer acquisition opportunities as they do not meet the criteria and requirements of the companies.


Inga Vītola
Subject: The importance of use of communication tools in awareness-raising of the Emergency Medical Service's job specific
Supervisor: Līga Mirlina

The aim of the work of masters The importance of use of communication tools in awareness-raising of the Emergency Medical Service`s job specific was on ground of the results of the study and theoretical knowledge, determine the communication tools of the Emergency medical service, including direct outreach educational measures for public awareness about the importance of emergency operators, and provide recommendations for the improvement of the Service’s communication in the target audience 25 – 44 years old. It was proved, that direct outreach educational measures is an effective tool for building the understanding of target audience about the nature of the Emergency medical service.

Faculty of Law

Tatjana Burmeistere
Subject: Transfer Pricing Regulation
Supervisor: Mg.iur. Dana Rone

The research object is the terms used in transfer pricing determination principles, methods and documentation requirements. Transfer pricing issues affect international taxation and the prevention of double taxation issues. International legislation binding on Latvia has mechanisms, which allow partly avoiding double taxation as a result of the creation of the transfer price, but they are not completely. The objective of the graduation work is to identify the legal gaps and problems that appear in transfer pricing legal regulation, make proposals for solutions to problems detected.

STUDY YEAR 2013/2014

Kristīne Vilnīte
Subject: Ltd „Ziedu Enerģija” development perspectives
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

On the basis of the theoretical substantiation, there has been carried out an in-depth financial analysis of a company and elaborated innovative solutions for further development.


Marta Tarvida
Subject: Ltd “Munio Candela” production export strategy in the Irish market
Supervisor: Renāte Cāne

Development is vital for every company, and today in the age of the global economy one of the main indicators of a company's development is its capacity for export. In her thesis Marta Tarvide has explored how a small Latvian company, occupying the very specific design market niche of luxury candles, can develop a new export market in a deliberate and strategic manner. The thesis contains an analysis of the current state of the company and on its basis develops an export strategy for markets in Ireland; this is the groundwork based on which the company can maximise its success upon entering this market.


Aleksandra Stepanova
Subject: Ways to improve employee satisfaction at AS Severstall
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

On the basis of the theoretical literature on human resources policy, there has been carried out the human resources policy analysis of a particula company and elaborated solutions for human resources policy improvement in the company.


Andrejs Rocēns
Subject: Ltd “BE IN FOREX” development opportunities
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

There has been carried out the exchange market trend research and, on the basis of a quantitative study, assessed the company's further development possibilities to offer its innovative service. There have been designed particular steps for development assurance while operating in the international currency market.


Zigurds Kublickis
Subject: Possibilities of improvement of price setting system of " BYKO -LAT ", Ltd
Supervisor: Ieva Bruksle

Based on the theoretical substantiation, there has been carried out the in-depth pricing system analysis and the evaluation in the company. Based on the analysis of the situation, there are offered optimum solutions for pricing system and elaborated the system model, which will allow for improvement of pricing in the company and will contribute to the competitiveness of the company.


Kārlis Kleinhofs
Subject: Development possibilities of Fittero Ltd
Supervisor: Rosita Zvirgzdiņa

On the basis of theoretical substantiation, there has been carried out the in-depth economic operation analysis of a particular company, and subsequently offered the most efficient options for further operation development of the company.


Jānis Drāznieks
Subject: Intellectual employee motivation system improvement in company "Dong Energy" department "Riga Data centre"
Supervisor: Ligita Zīlīte

On the basis of the theoretical literature on intellectual employee motivation, there has been carried out the personnel  motivation analysis of a particular company and elaborated solutions for personnel motivation improvement in the company.


Anda Dakša
Subject: Company „Efumo SSC” analysis of financial indicators and improvement options
Supervisor: Vita Zariņa

The theoretical part describes the development opportunities theoretical background, which includes summary of financial analysis substance, aim, tasks, principles, stages, more often used financial analysis methods. At practical part, the author has made the company's annual report analysis using financial ratio calculations for the period from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2013, evaluating changes in financial position and identifying the causes of it. The company's financial analysis was performed using the company's profitability, liquidity, efficiency and solvency ratio calculation. At the end of financial analysis, author has made the bankruptcy forecasts calculations. Based on the financial indicators calculation, the author has identified Ltd. ""Efumo SSC"" trends. Also author has developed recommendations how to improve company's economic performance.


Edgars Brencis
Subject: Analysis and Improvements of Employee Motivation in Business Analysis department of IT company Exigen Services
Supervisor: Ligita Zīlīte

On the basis of the theoretical literature on human resources motivation, there has been carried out the human resources motivation analysis of a particular company and elaborated solutions for human resources motivation improvement in the company.


Elīza Asare
Subject: Possibilitiy to improve  the commercial activity of Ltd STATS SERVISS
Supervisor: Vita Zariņa

Researching the options of improving the commercial activity, there were completed both horizontal and vertical analyses of annual reports, assessed the market share of Ltd STATS SERVISS and several solutions were found to increase it. Using the method of  financial coefficients, there were financial figures calculated of both Ltd STATS SERVISS as well as competitors. Results of the researches confirm that Ltd STATS SERVISS has a gross potential of evolution, however to gain it, there must be significant changes made in the processes of service, and more attention paid to financial discipline.


Inese Mariņina
Subject: Project management system improvement opportunities for the company "Smart Business Solutions"
Supervisor: Ieva Kalve

The main results - there has been carried out a detailed comparative analysis of the company's project management system and its shortcomings, developed the  proposals for  the system improvement, and elaborated a project management guide for practical application.


Artūra Hasanovs
Subject: Marketing improvement possibilities for IXIS Ltd.
Supervisor: Jolanta Brilte

Based on the theoretical background, the work carried out in-depth marketing research activities of the company and develop marketing opportunities for performance improvement of the company's further development.


Irēna Zeiza
Subject: Understanding of public relations and their role in business among the Latvian businessmen
Supervisor: Ivars Namatēvs

The level of understanding of public relations, PR among the Latvian businessmen that based on a scientific literature and empirical studies has been characterized and analyzed. The trend was discovered, that PR management level in organization is directly related with understanding of PR. In general understanding of PR among Latvian businessmen can be evaluated as positive.
Publication on 05.07.2014


Sigita Bebre
Subject: Involuntary inpatient medical treatment without patient consent.
Supervisor: Edgars Oļševskis

The aim of the paper is provision of the established legal solutions (including offering amendments to legal enactments and explaining interpretation of binding legal norms) to prevent illegal or ungrounded hospitalization of a person without their consent. Author has analysed specifics of the particular procedure, establishing issues in the procedure from the moment of hospitalization of a person up to the judgment of the court.

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