Tuition fees

Please be informed of the tuition fees at Turība University:

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Per year for EU/EEA, Switzerland, CIS countries, Georgia and Ukraine citizens

Per year for citizens of other countries

College studies

Computer Systems 2550 EUR 3550 EUR
Computer Systems (E-studies) 2150 EUR 2990 EUR

Bachelor studies

Business Administration

2990 EUR

3550 EUR

Business Logistics Management

2990 EUR

3550 EUR

Computer Systems

2550 EUR

3550 EUR

Computer Systems (E-studies) 2150 EUR 2990 EUR

International Communication Management

2990 EUR

3550 EUR

Tourism and Hospitality Management

2990 EUR

3550 EUR

Master studies

Business Administration

3090 EUR

3550 EUR

Business Psychology and Human Resource Management

3090 EUR

3550 EUR

Tourism Strategic Management

3090 EUR

3550 EUR

Strategic Communication Management 3090 EUR 3550 EUR

Doctoral studies

Business Administration

2990 EUR

2990 EUR

Law Science

2990 EUR

2990 EUR

Management Science

2990 EUR

2990 EUR

Communication Management

2990 EUR

2990 EUR

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After a student has received a positive reply regarding the admission, Turība University will send a study contract to the student. The University will issue the invitation for the student only after receipt of the tuition fees.

The candidate who is a non-EU citizen shall transfer the tuition fee for the first study year in a full amount. EU citizens can pay tuition fee in 2 or more instalments. Non-EU citizens shall additionally transfer a security deposit of EUR 500 (returned after completion of studies) to the following account:

“Biznesa augstskola Turība” Ltd
68 Graudu Street, Riga, LV-1058, Latvia
Registration No. 40003135880
AS "Citadele banka”
Details of payment: student’s name / surname, “Tuition fee for studies at Turiba”.

If you have any questions, please, contact us:

International Office

Phone: +371 67625371


If you have any questions, be sure to write to us
We will contact you very soon!
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