Faculty councils

The day-to-day work of the faculties of the University involves not only teaching staff but also students, alumni, employers and representatives of various associations who are familiar with current market trends. Meetings of the councils take place several times a year in which the representatives of the councils familiarize themselves with the achievements of the faculties and create tasks and set goals for further development.

Composition of the Council of the Faculty of Law
  • Ivita Kīsnica – Vice Dean of Turība University Faculty of Law, director of a study program;
  • Jānis Načisčionis – Professor, member of the Latvian Council of Sworn Advocates, director of a study program;
  • Una Skrastiņa – leading researcher of Business Technology Institute, director of a study program, Head of Riga City Council Planning, procurement and control department;
  • Ingrīda Veikša – Head of Turība University Department of Legal Sciences, professor, member of the Latvian Council of Sworn Advocates, director of a study program;
  • Vilnis Veinbergs – Manager of Internal Security Service, director of a study program;
  • Edvīns Bērziņš –  Member of the Council of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Ivars Bičkovičs – Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia;
  • Juris Juriss – Prosecutor at General Prosecutor's Office;
  • Gunārs Kūtris – Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law, the University of Latvia;
  • Guntars Loba – Expert of Latvian Security Business Association;
  • Laila Medina – Deputy state Secretary on sectoral policy of the Ministry of Justice;
  • Guna Paidere – Chief State Notary of the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia;
  • Anta Rugāte – Member of the Board of Bar association;
  • Andris Spore – Deputy Chairman of the Council of Latvian Sworn Bailiffs;
  • Artis Strāders – Chief of Riga Municipality Police Zemgale suburb administration;
  • Viola Supe – Sworn advocate, member of the Latvian Council of Sworn Advocates.
Composition of the Council of the Faculty of International Tourism
  • Agita Doniņa – Head of Turība University Department of Tourism and Hospitality;
  • Daina Vinklere – Vice Dean of Turība University Faculty of International Tourism, member of the board of the Latvian Association of Tourism Information Organizations (LATTŪRINFO);
  • Maija Rozīte;
  • Ineta Lūka – Head of Turība University Department of Languages;
  • Gleb Satanevskii – Student of Turība University Faculty of International Tourism;
  • Šeina Ozoliņa – Student of Turība University Faculty of International Tourism;
  • Artūrs Potjomkins – Student of Turība University Faculty of International Tourism;
  • Jānis Jenzis – President of Latvian Restaurant Association;
  • Aivars Mackēvičs – Director of BalticTravelnews.com in the Baltic States;
  • Ēriks Lingebērziņš – Dean of Turība University Faculty of International Tourism, Executive director and board member of “Baltic Vision Riga” Ltd;
  • Margarita Platace – Chair of certification committee at “Viesnīcu un restorānu centrs” Ltd;
  • Andis Mizišs – Member of the board of “Finger Film Poduction” Ltd;
  • Jānis Pinnis – Financial controller of the hotel group “Mogotel”;
  • Jānis Naglis – President of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia.
Composition of the Council of the Faculty of Business Administration
  • Zane Driņke - Rector of Turība University, Professor of the Department of Commerce

  • Evija Kļave - Dean of Turība University Faculty of Business Administration, associate professor of the Department of Commerce

  • Rosita Zvirgzdiņa - Head of Turība University Department of Commerce, professor

  • Jana Bunkus - Head of Turība University the Department of Communication sciences, SIA "J.B. Sparks Communication" board member

  • Iveta Liniņa - Professor of Turība University Department of Commerce 

  • Aldis Bulis - Associate professor of Turība University Department of Commerce

  • Ieva Bruksle - Lecturer at Turība University Department of Commerce

  • Edvīns Evarts - assistant professor of  Turība University Department of Communication sciences 

  • Renāte Cāne - Associate Professor of Turība University Department of Communication sciences

  • Jolanta Derkevica-Pilskunga - Director of Turība University Doctoral Study Program "Communication Management", Assistant Professor of Department of Communication Sciences, Ltd “DaJo” chairman of the Board

  • Einārs Giels - Marketing analyst at JSC “OlainFarm”, leading business consultant at www.biznesakonsultacijas.lv;

  • Visvaldis Trokša -  Director of “Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala” Ltd

  • Mārtiņš Laizāns - Chairman of the board of “Dream Property” Ltd, owner of “Namu Attīstība”

  • Silva Jeromanova–Maura - Head of “Silja” Ltd

  • Ģirts Rungainis - Founder of Latvian investment banking company “Prudentia”, partner and member of the council

  • Enno Ence - Owner of “Milzu!” Ltd

  • Ieva Stūre - resident of the Council of Latvian Public Relations Association

  • Marta Rībele - Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Latvia

  • Valdis Melderis - Director of “Radio Skonto” program

  • Kristaps Otersons - Deputy Head of Public Relations Department of the Bank of Latvia

  • Kaspars Bernāns - Head of Passenger Service at HAVAS Latvia Ltd

  • Andris Vanags - chairman of the board of "Sakret Holdings"

  • Signe Pogartseva - procurator of "AluFactory" Ltd

  • Olga Kazāka - Partner in the communication agency "A.W.Olsen&Partners" 

  • Gert Tartlan - Businessman, Honorary Consul of Latvia in Estonia

  • Ieva Meldrāja - member of the board of Visma Latvia holdings

  • Elvisa Riekstiņa    - Students’ Council representative

  • Artūrs Potjomkins - Students’ Council representative

  • Barbara Krastiņa - Students’ Council representative

  • Beatrise Skrūpskopa - Students’ Council representative

  • Megija Heimane - Students’ Council representative

  • Rebeka Kristīne Graudiņa - Students’ Council representative

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