Career Center

“We are here to help you find your future.
Whatever you want to do in the future – whether your career path is clear or not – we are here to help you.”

Career Services' Goal:

Helping every student achieve their career ambitions by providing the tools and support needed to make informed decisions about their career path, develop the skills needed to succeed in their chosen field, and successfully navigate the labour market and build a career.
The Career Centre is a one-stop agency for university students, graduates and entrepreneurs on career issues.

The Career Centre offers the following services and activities:

Career counselling - coaching

Individual consultations (there is a need for preliminary registration)

  • Career counselling and advice in self-improvement
  • Assistance in finding practices and jobs
  • Developing CV and motivation letter
  • Preparation of interview
  • Career self-evaluation (help identify strengths and weaknesses)

Group consultations (there is a need for preliminary registration)

  • Role games, simulations
  • Coaching sessions

Please apply for consultations in advance by emailing:

Practice and career opportunities

Career and psychological support

Career guidance events (workshops, meetings with experts) organise various seminars, and workshops meetings

to promote students' careers and self-improvement.

Career test

Contacts: email:, +371 67619460). Address: Turība Business Incubator, Riga, Graudu ielā 68, A corpus.

Useful information
Self- developments tests





  • The European Youth Portal (offers young people information on opportunities in Europe and beyond).
  • Eurodesk (European youth information network. As a support organisation to Erasmus+, Eurodesk makes information on learning mobility comprehensive and accessible to young people and those who work with them)


Competence developments


Whether you want to learn or to share what you know, you’ve come to the right place. As a global destination for online learning, we connect people through knowledge - 

If you have any questions, be sure to write to us
We will contact you very soon!
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