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Call for applications for Turība University Honorary titles

On May 14, this year, for the sixth consecutive year, the Turība University will grant honorary titles to graduates, students, academic staff, and people who with their work have brought the University towards achievement of its goals. Turība University is proud of these people, therefore the following awards will be given during the ceremony:
- Honorary graduate of Turība University;
- Honorary student of Turība University;
- Honorary professor of Turība University;
- Honorary doctorate of Turība University;
Until March 8, 2020, University staff and students are eligible to nominate applicants, while graduates, faculty councilors and members of the Advisory board, cooperation partners, industry and employer organizations have the opportunity to nominate applicants for the honorary titles by filling in an application form or by submitting an application to the University secretariat.
Any graduate, student, member of the academic staff, as well as a person who with his or her work has brought the University towards achievement of its goals can be recommended or nominated for the award, as well as can recommend or nominate himself or herself for the award.
From the nominees recommended, those who have stand out for their work, achievements in business, education, science and other fields will be nominated for the Honorary titles.
The Honorary title committee approved by the Senate will decide which nominees will be honored. The Honorary title committee will recommend to the Senate candidates for the title, and the Senate will approve or reject it.
The list of award receivers will be published on the homepage of the University www.turiba.lv in April 2020.
Receivers of the award will be personally informed and invited to the solemn annual award ceremony Turība University Award of the year “Freedom. Initiative. Competence” on May 14. The honorary title demonstrates the recognition of the Turība University for the merits of the individual for the benefit of the community and the institution and does not confer any material advantage. The honorary title is granted for life. The honorary title may be withdrawn for particularly important reasons by a decision of the Constitutional Assembly.
In 2015, seven Honorary graduate titles were granted during the solemn ceremony, in 2016 four Honorary graduate titles, one Honorary professor title and one Honorary doctorate title, in 2017 four Honorary graduate titles, one Honorary professor title, one Honorary doctorate title, and for the first time one Honorary student title was granted, in 2018 four Honorary graduate titles, Honorary doctorate title and one Honorary professor title, as well as two Honorary student titles, whereas in 2019 four Honorary graduate titles and one Honorary doctorate title, one Honorary professor title and Honorary student title.