International projects

Turiba University is actively expanding its international cooperation, initiating, developing, and implementing various local, national, and international projects.

We believe that the development of the University is inconceivable without innovative initiatives, the creation of new teaching approaches and methods, and without international collaboration. To prepare high-quality new professionals, it is essential for our university to provide opportunities for learning in an international environment, meeting lecturers, and professionals from around the world. Therefore, we realize international projects in collaboration with universities and partners worldwide.

Through these projects, we have developed new and innovative educational resources and tools, published books, organized international conferences, exchange trips, study visits, summer schools, and other activities.

We have extensive experience in international project management and have been actively involved in coordinating projects such as Central Baltic Interreg, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program, European Social fund, JUSTICE, NORDPLUS, and ERASMUS+ projects.

Project department initiate and implement projects in collaboration with our faculties and their experts. We are excited to collaborate and bring your ideas to life! Get in touch with us:

KRISTĪNE NEIMANE, Head of project department:, Phone: +371 67615541, mob.+371 29628681

IEVA BRUKSLE, Project coordinator:, Phone: +371 67616022


Nordplus higher education program’s intensive course "Mediation in civil and criminal cases 2018"

Implementation time of the intensive course: 14.-25.08.2018.

In August 2018 Turiba University is hosting the NORDPLUS intensive course about mediation. Turiba University (Latvia) implement this course in a cooperation with Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Tallinn Technical University (Estonia) and Turku Economics and Business Administration School (Finland).

During the proceedings, mediation becomes more popular because judges recommend that parties themselves should try to resolve disputes in a mutually acceptable manner. Mediators have skills to promote parties' negotiations and to move towards a solution out of court. Popularity of mediation also means that members of the society are willing to take responsibility for their own issues without waiting for third parties, including judicial intervention. Mediation is both for courts and arbitrations an alternative dispute resolution type that relieves pressure from national courts, as well as the method by which the parties reach a settlement of disputes and as far as possible keep a respectful relationship.

The main aims of intensive courses:

- To bring together students and academic forces from several countries to create an international network of professionals who are interested in mediation possibilities and application of that;

- To provide the opportunity to students to learn in a multicultural environment, developing their communication skills and ability to work in a team;

- To organize theoretical lectures, as well as creative sessions with role-playing games, and the opportunity to meet with professional mediators.

Intensive course is attended by the Bachelor's and Master's students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Lectures, discussions, group work and role-plays are led by experienced instructors and practitioners-mediators from all involved universities. Students participate in study visits to the Latvian Supreme Court and Parliament. During the Course students explore such topics as Conflict management, Culture and National identity, ADR methods, Mediation law in partner countries, family mediation, mediation ethics, international disputes and On-line mediation.

Passing the final exam students for taking part in this course receive 3 ECTS.

Project number: NPHE-2018/10311

Turiba University Project Academic Manager:
Lecturer at Turiba University
Dana Rone

Project Administrator:
Kristīne Tihanova
Tel: +371 67625371

If you have any questions, be sure to write to us
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