International projects

Turiba University is actively expanding its international cooperation, initiating, developing, and implementing various local, national, and international projects.

We believe that the development of the University is inconceivable without innovative initiatives, the creation of new teaching approaches and methods, and without international collaboration. To prepare high-quality new professionals, it is essential for our university to provide opportunities for learning in an international environment, meeting lecturers, and professionals from around the world. Therefore, we realize international projects in collaboration with universities and partners worldwide.

Through these projects, we have developed new and innovative educational resources and tools, published books, organized international conferences, exchange trips, study visits, summer schools, and other activities.

We have extensive experience in international project management and have been actively involved in coordinating projects such as Central Baltic Interreg, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program, European Social fund, JUSTICE, NORDPLUS, and ERASMUS+ projects.

Project department initiate and implement projects in collaboration with our faculties and their experts. We are excited to collaborate and bring your ideas to life! Get in touch with us:

KRISTĪNE NEIMANE, Head of project department:, Phone: +371 67615541, mob.+371 29628681

IEVA BRUKSLE, Project coordinator:, Phone: +371 67616022

01.08.2016 - 13.08.2016

International Summer School "Sustainable and intelligent city”

International Summer School "Sustainable and intelligent city”

From 1st August till 13th August 2016 Turiba University organized an international summer school - Sustainable and intelligent city, which was initiated by senior lecturers of International Tourism faculty of Turiba University. The subject of the summer school was Riga - its society, nature and culture, providing students with the knowledge and practical skills about urban development, building its image, tourism, as well as made participants to get inspired and share their ideas.

Time of the summer school: 01.08.-13.08.2016

Viewed key topics:

School program was designed in four main blocks, considering the main factors and resource groups which are involved in sustainable and intelligent development of Riga city: 1) Riga - its urban environment (architecture, infrastructure), 2) Latvian cultural history that determines the responsibility for the past and understanding of the forms of development of life’s environment, 3) The Latvian culture and cultural environment, 4) Environment as a key element of the city.


Overall, the summer school received 100 applications, of which 9 participants were selected. Thus the summer school was attended by students from Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Belgium and Belarus. Students represented different learning levels (bachelor, master and doctoral studies), as well as a variety of fields of study - from tourism and urban studies, up to art science.

Involved lecturers:

In the summer school were involved lecturers from the Faculty of International Tourism, as well as industry professionals who through the lectures, discussions and study tours provided students with knowledge about the various sustainable urban development-related fields.

All the time of summer school parallel the lectures and work in auditorium the students also in the groups made a practical study exploring and analyzing various areas of Riga, the problems and possibilities of development. Students made a research about the historical center of Riga, Art Nouveau blocks, Grizinkalns and Kalnciema quarter.

When passing the final examination students for participation in the summer school received 3 ECTS.

Turiba University realizes this project through the State Education Development Agency’s (SEDA) granted state scholarships.

Project’s academic managers:

Dean of the Faculty of International Tourism - Agita Donina

Professor Dr.geogr. Maija Rozite

Project’s administrative Manager:

Kristine Tihanova

Alexandre de Schutter, 2nd course tourism student from Belgium:

„I would like to thank to Turiba Univeristy for organizing such a great program. I really enjoyed my time in Riga and participating in this course truly was an enriching experience. Latvia and the Baltic region is a fascinating place and I will definitely come back to Latvia at some point. I'm grateful for being given the chance to take part in this Summer School.”

Lizaveta Bulava, 3d year tourism student at Turiba University

„Summer school was an amazing experience. I was part of very international group with different backgrounds and interests. Moreover I got knowledge about sustainability and how Latvia, Riga in particular, is developing in this direction. The schedule was very tense and diverse. But huge experience of Turiba lectures and guests from governmental organizations made this summer school 100% successfull.”

If you have any questions, be sure to write to us
We will contact you very soon!
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