International projects
Turiba University is actively expanding its international cooperation, initiating, developing, and implementing various local, national, and international projects.
We believe that the development of the University is inconceivable without innovative initiatives, the creation of new teaching approaches and methods, and without international collaboration. To prepare high-quality new professionals, it is essential for our university to provide opportunities for learning in an international environment, meeting lecturers, and professionals from around the world. Therefore, we realize international projects in collaboration with universities and partners worldwide.
Through these projects, we have developed new and innovative educational resources and tools, published books, organized international conferences, exchange trips, study visits, summer schools, and other activities.
We have extensive experience in international project management and have been actively involved in coordinating projects such as Central Baltic Interreg, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program, European Social fund, JUSTICE, NORDPLUS, and ERASMUS+ projects.
Project department initiate and implement projects in collaboration with our faculties and their experts. We are excited to collaborate and bring your ideas to life! Get in touch with us:
KRISTĪNE NEIMANE, Head of project department:, Phone: +371 67615541, mob.+371 29628681
IEVA BRUKSLE, Project coordinator:, Phone: +371 67616022
Erasmus+ project „ Language skills and intercultural issues in the hospitality industry: Unity in diversity in the EU labour market”

Project No.: 2016-1-HR01-KA202-022160
Project duration: 1st September 2016 – 31st August 2018
Project coordinator: Tourism and Catering School Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Project partners: Tourism and Catering School Dubrovnik (Croatia), Turiba University (Latvia), Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota (Slovenia), Primrose Publishing (UK), IPSSA Nino Bergese (Italy), Universitatea Sapientia din Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Vilnius Business College (Lithuania), Provincial Directorate of Education in Turkey Kutahya MEM (Turkey), Vyšší odborná škola, Střední průmyslová škola a Obchodní akademie,Čáslav (Czech Republic).
Project aim: The project is aimed at creating an interactive blended learning language course „Unity in Diversity” comprising on-line learning materials available on the Moodle Learning platform and face-to-face interactive materials incorporating case studies, games, problem-solving tasks, videos, etc. targeted at developing VET learners’ language, intercultural and digital competence, creativity, problem-solving skills and flexibility. The complete course will consist of three courses: 1) a new interactive A1 language learning course in 16 languages (CZ, DE, EN, ES, FR, GR, HR, HU, IT, LT, LV, RO, RU, SE, Si, TR) containing such modules as “Welcome”, “Hotel”, “Restaurant”, “Professional skills”; 2) A2/B1 language course extended to 16 languages comprising such modules as “Hotel Reception”, “Restaurant”, “Restaurant Kitchen”, “City”, “Hotel Business Centre” and “Management Offices”, the first two also as smartphone apps, the module “City” accompanied by 3 interactive maps and 3 inside hotel maps; 3) B2/C1 intercultural English language course comprising 8 modules “Hotel Front Office”, “Catering Service”, Hotel Management”, “Conference and Business Services”, “Off-site Services” and “Financial Management”, an intercultural module revealing cultural sensitivities of the nine partner countries and nine country modules featuring the main tourist information required for work; the course will contain case studies, videos, on-line modules and face-to-face problem-based tasks.
Project implementer: The Department of Languages
Project webpage:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the