International projects

Turiba University is actively expanding its international cooperation, initiating, developing, and implementing various local, national, and international projects.

We believe that the development of the University is inconceivable without innovative initiatives, the creation of new teaching approaches and methods, and without international collaboration. To prepare high-quality new professionals, it is essential for our university to provide opportunities for learning in an international environment, meeting lecturers, and professionals from around the world. Therefore, we realize international projects in collaboration with universities and partners worldwide.

Through these projects, we have developed new and innovative educational resources and tools, published books, organized international conferences, exchange trips, study visits, summer schools, and other activities.

We have extensive experience in international project management and have been actively involved in coordinating projects such as Central Baltic Interreg, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program, European Social fund, JUSTICE, NORDPLUS, and ERASMUS+ projects.

Project department initiate and implement projects in collaboration with our faculties and their experts. We are excited to collaborate and bring your ideas to life! Get in touch with us:

KRISTĪNE NEIMANE, Head of project department:, Phone: +371 67615541, mob.+371 29628681

IEVA BRUKSLE, Project coordinator:, Phone: +371 67616022


ERASMUS+ cooperation partnership in higher education “Digital education tools for security risk management”


During the past years security issues has become an important aspect to many European countries. World is coping with wide range of challenges as migration, cyber-attacks and other new difficulties, including virus led crisis.

This leads to fact that there is a need not only for high quality training for young security specialists, but also for the trainings that will allow them to be better prepared for the crisis, as well as possibly to eliminate many dangers before they happen and turn into crisis. There is a great lack of digital teaching and learning materials in the security field, especially if we are talking about security risk management.

This project aim to establish sustainable security specialists’ network, which can cooperate on long term bases. During the project we will develop recommendation for Universities which are preparing security specialists in Europe. Also partnership will develop and maintain comprehensive and up-to-date digital teaching materials and tools, gathered in one web platform which contains the most updated information on security risk management aspects available for all security experts, students and academics.

Results of the project
Main target groups of the project are teachers and students of security field, faculties and Universities and training centres providing education and training on security and security field professionals. Project will create sustainable network of European Universities teaching security specialists. Also we will create solid bases for the unified and high quality teaching materials for any EU University tackling security field.

In frame of the project we will create:

  • Platform containing different tools and materials on security risk management:
  • Recommendations for Universities which are preparing security specialists in Europe
  • Digital Vocabulary on security risk management
  • Video lesson on different security risk management subtopics
  • Best practice compilation on security risk management
  • Practical tasks for students and teachers.

In summer 2023 partnership will organise Intensive course for students from 6 countries in rider to test developed materials and tools. In autumn 2024 there will be several information events – international conference in Latvia, national seminars in the Netherlands and Finland and on-line events organised by Spanish, Norwegian and Lithuanian partners.

Turība University (Latvia) – leading partner
Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania)
Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Nord University (Norway)
Avans University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (FUAB) (Spain)
Biedrība "Drošības profesionāļu asociācija" (Latvia)

Project Facebook page:
Project implementation period: 28.02.2022 to 27.12.2024.

Uģis Začs
Project academic leader

Kristīne Neimane
Project manager
Head of Project department
+371 67615541

Project is financed by ERASMUS+ programme. Project number: 2021-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000023056

If you have any questions, be sure to write to us
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