History of Scientific conferences


XXIII International Scientific Conference "Communication and development of interdisciplinary competences in the digital age"

Organizer: Turība University,Faculties of business management, Comunication field

To be able to successfully plan and manage communication in your company or institution, professional skills alone are no longer enough for a new specialist. The World Economic Forum 2020 report on the skills needed for future jobs emphasizes that cross-sectoral skills will be what employers will require. How the young professional will be able to solve complex problems, plan the work and set goals, be able to be creative and learn to work in a team, will play a crucial role. So, to become a successful communication specialist of the future, you will have to learn a number of new tools and methods, as well as work on developing your interdisciplinary skills.

20.04.2022. Conference on Communication and soft skills took place in Riga, Turiba University. During the event participants had opportunity to listen different presentations and discussion about communication and also soft skills. DISCOM project partners also presented different teaching materials and tools developed in frame of the Strategic partnership project.

Video of the conference is available HERE.

Collection of conference papers is available HERE.

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