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Turība University is traditionally ranked among the top 3 universities recognized by entrepreneurs in the field of business education

A study conducted by the research center SKDS asking Latvian entrepreneurs from different sectors to name the most recognized universities in the field of business education shows that Turība University has traditionally been ranked in the TOP 3 for the fifth year.
Analyzing the data in each sector, the study shows that entrepreneurs of the sectors of manufacturing, trade, construction and services rank Turība University in the top three. If examining the data in more detail, entrepreneurs of the sectors of professional, scientific and technical services name Turība University as the most recognized university. The ranking includes also the University of Latvia and Riga Technical University that are among the top three out of 22 universities.
“If we look at how attitudes of company managers towards Turība University have changed over the last few years, we find that evaluation has significantly improved during this period. While in 2015 only about one in five of company managers ranked Turība University among the most recognized business universities, by the end of the last year it was almost one in three. Whereas, if compared to the results of 2018, the reputation of Turība University in the eyes of company managers has significantly improved in 2019”, reports Arnis Kaktiņš, the executive director of the research center SKDS.
A survey of 565 respondents involved companies of the sectors of manufacturing, construction, trade and service from Riga, Kurzeme, Zemgale, Latgale and Vidzeme. The surveyed companies also represented four groups by the number of employees: 1-9 employees, 10-49 employees, 50-249 employees and 250 and more employees. Interviewing of entrepreneurs was conducted by telephone and online in the period from November 22, 2019 to December 16, 2019. In general, such a survey has been conducted annually since 2015.