
Student from Ukraine: During a pandemic, one of the most important skills is discipline

The time of the pandemic has brought uncertainty and anxiety into our daily lives, as well as forced us to adapt to many variables. This time is not easy for many, because we are experiencing a lot of things for the very first time and events in the world change almost daily. Kateryna Kuslyva, a student of the Turība University from Ukraine, says that a pandemic teaches us to be constantly evolving, as well as to adapt to any situation. She compares the situation in Latvia and Ukraine, pointing out that Latvians are more responsible when it comes to restrictions, thus feeling safe here.

It is safer to stay in Latvia

During the first wave of the pandemic, when the closure of Latvia's borders was announced, I packed my belongings and went to Latvia within two hours. I am lucky because I can organize work remotely, so nothing affected my decision to go to Latvia. In fact, I thought it would be safer to stay in Latvia than in Ukraine, because my family was here. If we compare the attitude towards restrictions, then the people of Latvia are more responsible and observe them more carefully. It also makes you feel safer.

Learning from each other

Having been in Latvia for a longer time, I can say that the government could borrow communication skills and ways to address the public in difficult times. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has embarked on an excellent communication strategy during the pandemic, which has inspired many people in our country, especially the younger generation. I believe that the President is using successful communication tools - social networking platforms - because they play an important role in our lives today. Through these platforms, he was able to address many and establish close ties with the Ukrainian people. Ukraine can also learn a lot from Latvia, such as discipline. I know that some Latvians do not think so, but here the society is much more responsible. These differences are caused by the mentality - Ukrainians are more team-oriented, so it is more difficult for them to comply with these restrictions.


During a pandemic, one of the most important skills is discipline, because when you have to stay at home, you have to be able to organize your daily life so that it is productive even in such conditions. When studying from home, not in close contact with other people, we get into a kind of routine, we start to get tired of it and lose motivation. The time of the pandemic, when studies are done remotely, is not easy for me, because I prefer full-time studies when I can meet people. In order not to lose touch with fellow human beings, everyone must try harder now. To motivate yourself, I would also recommend taking additional online courses - this will help to develop skills that will be useful in the future. Most courses are free. This is the right time to do it!

Pandemic teaches development

It takes courage, self-confidence, and creativity to deal with the moments the pandemic has created, where everything changes rapidly and everyone's plans for the future are shattered. The pandemic has shown us that everything can change in an instant, so we can use this time to learn and improve ourselves. The changes in the world teach us to be constantly evolving, flexible and able to adapt to any situation. There is no need to seek stability because nothing is stable in the world, only our skills and knowledge, which no one can take away.

With hobbies and anti-stress books

To overcome the current growing stress, it is necessary to find activities to fill your free time and employ your body and mind. They will reduce stress and anxiety. The pandemic made me focus more on reading books, which has already become a passion. This activity helps to spend evenings in a safe, interesting, and creative atmosphere.

Pandemic lessons

From the pandemic we can certainly learn how to be united, each in our own homes. As well as the importance of communication and the development of modern technologies. We have also realized that the support of family and friends is most needed at the moment. Although it is a challenge for many to be with the whole family for so long, in fact, the time we can dedicate to each other is a great gift.

Author: Kateryna Kuslyva, a student at the Turība University.

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