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SECA guide is available in Latvian language also in the form of the printed Book

From the beginning of February, the SECA Handbook is available in the printed version in Turiba University Library! This guide was created as a digital learning material to help you explore and learn different models of building a sustainable business. However, in addition to the digital version, Turiba University decided to publish the book in printed. Several lecturers have already included this material in their study courses and the printed version will be a useful aid in the learning process.
Experts from 3 partner Universities – Lapland University of Applied Sciences from Finland, Turiba University from Latvia and FH Aachen University of Applied sciences from Germany – developed a digital handbook for entrepreneurs, as we call it – SECA Guide.
SECA guide aim to bring up the changes in the way of thinking, hopefully resulting in growing number of green businesses sustainable companies, advocates of circular economy and most importantly: activists for climate change action.
This handbook is a methodology, step by step guidance to help entrepreneurs and start-ups to create sustainable and climate action focused business solutions.
SECA guide is also available in digital version in 4 languages as teaching material – English, German, Latvian and Finnish. You are welcome to explore sustainable entrepreneurship concept, discover different practical methods, watch explanatory supporting videos and do practical exercises using Workbooks.
Digital versions of teaching materials are available on the project website.
Handbook was developed in frame of ERAMSU+ Cooperation project called SECA.