Multiplier Event of Erasmus+ project „Cultures and Languages” held at Turība University

On June 28, 2021 a project multiplier event was held at Turība University. During the multiplier event language and culture educators from various education institutions of Latvia, adult educators from language education centres, representatives of professional associations and other participants were introduced with the project outputs created:
- The English language blended-learning course for adult learners “European Cultural Heritage and skills development course” comprising 18 modules both for independent learning and for learning under the guidance of a language teacher.
- “Culture based multilingual blended-learning language course for adult learners” targeted at learning European cultures. The course contains 18 modules in 9 languages: Latvian, German, French, Slovenian, Croatian, Czech, Polish, Romanian and Hungarian.
- Lifelong learning guidelines for educators of adult learners created based on the results of international research conducted within the project.
Educators of language and culture courses from various education institutions attended the event – University of Latvia, EKA University of Applied Sciences, Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga Technical University, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Riga State Technical School, Riga Secondary School No.64, Riga Style and Fashion Vocational School, English, German and Spanish teachers from adult language education firms „Valodu mape”, „Roks”, „DialogsPro”, representatives of the Latvian Association of Tourism Information Organizations „Latturinfo”, Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia, Tourism Information Centre of Vecumnieki, IK „DR dizains”, „Janne” Ltd., Ltd. „Bulduru DU”, Ltd. „Active LV” and others.
During the event, the participants were introduced with the main methodologies of the project, the design and creation of the Learning Management System, the curricula designed, the various tasks created, etc.
The multiplier event was an excellent opportunity for the participants to exchange experience, network and foster further collaboration in language and culture teaching/learning.
We are thankful to all the participants for the interest and initiative shown! The useful suggestions made during the multiplier event will definitely help improving language teaching/learning as well as raising learners’ awareness of the rich European intangible cultural heritage.
Since 1 September 2018 the Department of Languages of Turība University has been an active participant of an international Erasmus+ project „ Cultural knowledge and language competences as a means to develop 21st century skills” (Project No. 2018-1-HR01-KA204-047430). Education institutions from six countries have been involved in the project implementation: Tourism and Catering School Dubrovnik (Croatia), Turiba University (Latvia), Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota (Slovenia), Universitatea Sapientia din Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica (Poland) and Vyšší odborná škola, Střední průmyslová škola a Obchodní akademie, Čáslav (Czech Republic).
The aim of the project was to improve the level of key competences and skills (the 21st century key skills and competences, such as problem solving, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, learning strategies, collaboration, communication, ICT skills, etc.), with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market (improved skills and competences) and their contribution to cohesive society.
Target Audience: adults wishing to improve their language competence and acquire knowledge on the rich European intangible cultural heritage.
The learning platform HERE.
The project webpage.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.