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Information for graduates on the procedure for obtaining diplomas and graduation

In view of the easing of national restrictions on graduations, we are pleased to announce that the celebration of the summer graduation of 2021 will be postponed to the following graduation times:
- For the graduates of all master's study Latvian flow programs (BML, UML, PML) of the Faculty of Business Administration on June 15 at 1 pm
- For the graduates of all master's study English flow programs (BMA, UMA) of the Faculty of Business Administration on June 15 at 2.30 pm
- For the graduates of the Latvian flow programs of the Bachelor's study program of the Faculty of Business Administration (UVL) and Marketing and Sales Management (TVL) on June 16 at 1 pm
- For the graduates of the English flow program of Faculty of Business Administration in Business Management (UVA) and the graduates of Latvian and English flow programs in International Communication (SKL and SKA), Public Relations (PRL) and Bachelor's study program and 1st level professional higher education study program (KFL and KML) Journalism and Media (MEL) on June 16 at 2.30 pm
- For the graduates of the English flow programs of the Faculty of International Tourism on June 16 at 4 pm and for Latvian flow program graduates at 5:30 p.m.
- For the graduates of all programs of the Faculty of Law on June 18 at 4 pm
During the graduation, the graduates will sit at a safe distance of two meters. An appropriate canopy will be provided for the venue.
Information to consider when attending the ceremony:
Any restrictions on the spread of Covid-19 must be observed.
It is recommended that each graduate invites no more than 3 guests to the graduation.
If the graduates want to gift flowers to the lecturers, they can be left with a cover letter in the lobby of the C building opposite the Study Information Center at the Flower Station.
Guests will be able to greet you at the end of the ceremony at the special invitation of the event manager.