
Apply for the International Scientific Conference “Communication and Development of Interdisciplinary Competences in the Digital Age”

The International Scientific Conference “Communication and Development of Interdisciplinary Competences in the Digital Age” takes place on April 20 and 21 at the Turība University. We invite all interested parties to register for the conference by April 14 and find out the latest information and discoveries in the field of communication.

"We are already teaching students not only what the history tells us, but also what awaits us in the future. Now there is no time to wait for change and then adapt, because we must already be familiar with the latest trends in the field of communication so that we are ready for tomorrow,” says Jana Bunkus, Vice-Dean of the Turība University, Head of the Department of Communication Sciences.

She emphasizes that recent years have shown the crucial role of communication, proving that both cross-sectoral and internal and external communication must be strategically planned and managed by a leader. One must always be prepared to anticipate what future professional communicators and leaders should know, not only during a crisis. "We have already undergone great changes, and as before, it will never be the same again. If in the past we set the tone for how we will communicate, now it is determined by the environment itself, because people have started talking to each other digitally every day, without wasting time - speed goes ahead for communication,” Bunkus admits.

The opening of the conference takes place on April 20, where the President of Latvia, Honorary Doctor of the Turība University, Egils Levits, Rector of Turība Aldis Baumanis and public relations expert and Head of the Communication Agency "A.W. Olsen & Partners” Olga Kazaka, will address the audience.

The conference shall open with the topic of leadership, which will be discussed in more detail by international experts from Germany and Lithuania. Marketing, communication, and leadership expert Frank Ebbecke will discuss the importance of communication, leadership and what awaits us in this future, and internal communication expert Vija Valentukonytė Urbanavičienė - on leadership communication in the post-pandemic world.

In the continuation of the conference, Dana Rone, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the Turība University, Academic Manager of the Discom project, will share insights on how to teach interdisciplinary competencies to young professionals, and Turība lecturer and Discom project expert Daina Shkushkovnika will give a lecture with topic- “Modern reality - interdisciplinary skills”.

Christina Tjarve, Chairwoman of the Board of the Latvian Public Relations Association, will present a study on the latest trends in the public relations profession in Latvia, while Agnieszka Gora and Jacek Czaja, experts from Jagiellonian University in Poland, will talk about mediation and negotiation, but the head of the advertising agency “HAVAS CREATIVE LATVIA” Ritvars Vulis will share the latest trends in digital communication.

On the first day of the conference, there will also be a panel discussion "Future Communication in the Digital Age" to discuss the latest trends in communication science. Experts will discuss not only strategic communication planning, but also knowledge on the audience. "Communications today surpass our ability to follow it, so new approaches and trends in communication must be recognized today, or we risk having to face crisis communication," says J. Bunkus.

On the second day of the scientific conference, on April 21, a student section under the leadership of Turība University Associate Professor Iveta Linina will be in action, in which work is planned in five parallel sections - communication, business and tourism, law, interdisciplinary skills in education, information technology.

Please note that all interested parties can participate as listeners or speak with a publication and presentation only by registering their participation until April 14. All lectures will be translated into Latvian and English. The conference will be held in person and online on the Cisco Webex platform.

If you have any questions, be sure to write to us
We will contact you very soon!
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