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Apply for study places and scholarships in the ERASMUS+ program until October 7

The competition is announced for 25 study places and scholarships in the Erasmus + program in 2021/2022. in the 2nd semester of the study year. 20 places for study mobility to Erasmus + Member States, 5 places for study mobility to Erasmus + partner countries (South Korea, Mexico, Peru, Georgia, Kazakhstan, China, India, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Singapore).
Students of the 1st study year of the 1st level study programs, students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd study years of the bachelor's study program, 1st study year students of the master's study program and 1st and 2nd study year students of the doctoral study program may participate in the competition, which:
- previous participation in GLP / Erasmus and Erasmus + programs in previous years does not exceed 9 months;
- no study debts for the previous study period;
- there are no outstanding financial obligations to the university;
- with an average mark of at least 7 points.
Study places are divided by faculties as follows:
- Faculty of International Tourism: 7 places, of which 2 places for partner countries;
- Direction of communication studies: 5 places, of which 1 place to partner countries;
- Faculty of Law: 2 places;
- Information technology study direction: 1 place;
- Faculty of Business Administration: 10 places, of which 2 places for partner countries.
Students who want to apply for an Erasmus + study place and scholarship submit an application to the International Cooperation Department by e-mail exchange@turiba.lv
The deadline for announcing the results of the competition is October 11, 2021, announcing on the website of the university.