Press subscribed

The following magazines and newspapers are available in the library of Turība University:

Magazines in English:

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  • Forbes : E res. (EBSCO: Business Source Ultimate)
  • Harpers Magazine
  • Harvard Business Review : E res. (EBSCO: Business Source Ultimate)
  • Journal of Public Relations Research
  • Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property:
    • Students can access the archive of magazines from computers of Turība University: My Computer - L: disc - E_zurnali
    • Teaching staff can access the archive of magazines from computers of: My Computer - H: disc – Public – Resursi - E_zurnali
  • Time (UK)

Magazines in Latvian:

  • Geo
  • Grāmatvedība un Ekonomika
  • Ilustrētā Pasaules Vēsture
  • Ilustrētā Zinātne
  • Ir
  • Ir. Nauda
  • Latvijas Tirgotājs
  • Leģendas
  • Likums un Taisnība
  • Planētas Noslēpumi
  • Rīgas Laiks

Newspapers in Latvian:

  • Izglītība un Kultūra
  • Latvijas Avīze
  • Neatkarīga Rīta Avīze Latvijai (e-version)
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